2025 BECE RME Questions and Answers (Trial Test 4)

In this 2025 BECE RME Questions and Answers (Trial Test 4), we look at the parables of Jesus Christ. Students must read the question well and read the suggested solutions. The suggested solutions will help you know how to answer similar questions.
Important explanation and advice for students.
Each answer or parable as an answer has three parts.
- Part one mentions the parable.
- Part two explains the key issues in the parable.
- Part three explains the moral lesson behind it. If a student misses any of these, he or she will score less for the answer provided.
- Now read the suggested solution to the 2025 BECE RME Questions
Question: Jesus used parables to teach his disciples some moral lessons about life and the kingdom of God. Explain any five of these parables. (20 marks)
Now read the suggested answers : 2025 BECE RME Questions and Answers (Trial Test 4)
i. The first parable is “The Parable of the Good Samaritan.”. In this parable, Jesus tells us of a man who is beaten, robbed, and left for dead. A priest and a Levite pass by without helping, but a Samaritan considered an outsider, stops to help and care for the man. This parable teaches about compassion, kindness, and the importance of loving one’s neighbour, regardless of social or ethnic boundaries.
ii. In the Parable of the Prodigal Son, a young man demanded his inheritance early, squandered it, and ended up destitute. He returns home, expecting to be treated as a servant, but his father welcomes him back with open arms and a celebration. This parable illustrates God’s unconditional love and forgiveness, emphasising repentance and reconciliation.
iii. In the Parable of the Sower, a sower scattered seeds, which fell on different types of ground: the path, rocky soil, thorns, and good soil. Only the seeds in good soil grew and bore fruit. This parable explains the different responses to the word of God, highlighting the importance of a receptive and faithful heart to produce spiritual fruit.
iv. In the Parable of the Lost Sheep, a shepherd leaves his ninety-nine sheep to search for one that is lost, rejoicing when he finds it. This parable demonstrates God’s concern for every individual and His joy in the repentance and return of a lost soul.
v. The Parable of the Mustard Seed is the one in which Jesus compared the kingdom of God to a mustard seed, the smallest of seeds, which grows into a large tree that provides shelter for birds. This parable illustrates the growth and expansive nature of God’s kingdom, starting from small beginnings and growing into something great and influential.
vi. The Parable of the Talents is the parable in which a master gave three servants varying amounts of money (talents) before leaving on a journey. Two invest and double their amounts, while the third buries his and returns it without increase. The master rewards the first two and punishes the third. This parable teaches the importance of using one’s gifts and resources responsibly and productively in service to God.
vii. The last but not least is the Parable of the Ten Virgins. The ten virgins waited for a bridegroom, but only five brought enough oil for their lamps. When the bridegroom arrives, the prepared virgins enter the wedding feast, while the unprepared ones are left outside. This parable emphasises the need for readiness and vigilance in anticipation of the kingdom of God, symbolising spiritual preparedness and faithfulness.
2 marks for parable and 3 marks for explanation × any 4 = 20 marks
We hope this post has been helpful and the 2025 BECE RME Questions and Answers (Trial Test 4) will help you prepare even better.
Do well in revising all our 2025 BECE RME questions and answers shared. Always make sure you answer the first question above by expanding the answers and giving one good example in each instance. Check your spelling, grammar, and presentation skills.
Check the links to all our 2025 BECE RME Questions and Answers
Test 1 – Here
Test 2 – Here
Test 3 – Here
Test 4 – Here
Test 5 – Here