17 thoughts on “FRESH 2023 School Placement Update for BECE Graduates and Parents (November 23rd)

  1. With all due respect, the suspense from the waiting for the placement is killing us. We are all eagerly waiting but it looks as if Waec is deliberately postponing the release date Or they might be reluctant.In my point of view I think they do not care about the fact that we are waiting.
    However,I admire your writing skills in articles and your expressions are exquisite.

  2. Please are parents need to confirm if we are either placed as boarders or day students,hence the need for money
    Thank you.
    Please do release it early

  3. How many times will GES or WAEC change dates if they aren’t ready they should say it. Everyday they say all is set for the release but we don’t see it.
    Education in Ghana really terrible and annoying

  4. Please release the results on time so that you won’t pressurize our parents and we are hoping to get good schools

  5. The time they are reporting to school is bad because some parents are paying 100 and something for only transportation for their children to go to school and after two weeks the children will call again and ask for transportation to come home is too much. Ooo is too bad

  6. I bought the placement checker voucher but the website for checking the placement isn’t working please check and rectify the problem for us. thank you

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