As one of his sport’s headline stars, Lyles has a long-time, recently-extended contract with Adidas, among other brands, and often speaks of his interests – fashion and music – beyond the track.

He caused a stir among some well-known basketball names last year when he questioned why NBA championship-winning players referred to themselves as world champions, quipping: “World champion of what? The United States?”

That prompted Kevin Durant to suggest somebody “help this brother,” while Aaron Gordon joked, “I’m smoking buddy in the 200m.”

Lyles, though, saw the reaction as a positive reflection on what he had just achieved: a first-ever world championship title in the 100m. “When I got the title of world’s fastest man, now all of a sudden people perk up their ears like, ‘The world’s fastest man said that? I can’t believe you would say something like that,’” says Lyles.

“I already had three world championship gold medals under my belt, but as soon as you get the title of the world’s fastest man, now people are like, ‘Oh shoot. He’s somebody.’”