2 Days To 2023 BECE; Likely Questions To Monday’s RME Paper
The 2023 BECE is just two days away. The Religious and Moral Education(RME) paper will be written on Monday, 7th August, 2023. Here are some likely questions for the exams.
1. (a) Explain four attributes of God from the Christian point of view
(b) Outline four ways Christians demonstrate the attributes of God in their lives.
2. (a) Outline any four activities involved in Islamic worship.
(b) Explain any four advantages of worship to the Muslim.
3. (a) Explain four features of traditional religious homes.
(b) State four benefits that can be derived from interacting with members of other religions.
4. a) Mention four good deeds that merit a reward.
(b) Identify four effects of rewards.
5. (a) Describe four processes involved in showing repentance.
(b) Outline four reasons for showing regret for one’s wrong deeds
6. Outline two uses for each of the following things created by God
(i) rivers (i) sun (i) plants
7. State four ways by which God’s creation can be protected.
8. Outline five contributions of Caliph Abu Bakr to Islam
9 State two lessons that can be learned from the life of Caliph Abu Bakr
10. ldentify five occasions at which libation is offered.
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11. In what four ways is libation important?
12. Identity four ways by which people show their commitment to God.
13. State four reasons why commitment to ones family is necessary
14. Explain any four types of reward available to those who put up good behaviour
15. ldentify any four acts which are considered to be bad deeds.
16. Highlight any five habits which constitute a good manner
17. Explain any four benefits of showing good manners in the
18. List the four main types of work.
19. Explain any four advantages of working hard
20. State any four reasons why one should support religious
These questions enhance candidates’ motivation and aim at good grades, we do our best to constantly update them with likely examinable questions to equip them for the battle ahead.
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