8 Health Benefits Of Nketenkete (Anise Seeds), Number 3 Is Mind Blowing

Anise seeds, commonly known as “nketenkete” in the Ghanaian parlance is a natural spice mostly used for seasoning. Here are 8 health benefits of nketenkete.
It was the first natural spice humanity found out through research 4,000 years ago.
It consists of nutrients such as calcium, iron, manganese, copper and phosphorus. Anise seeds also have a lot of essential health benefits which most of its consumers do not know about
8 Health Benefits Nketenkete (Anise Seeds)
• It helps in menstrual disorders and andropause
One of the vital health benefits of anise seeds is it helps prevent menstrual disorders and male menopause which is also known as andropause. It comprises of a medicinal component known as anethole which improves the reproductive system of women as it increases estrogen levels. Thus, it helps regulate menstrual flow, improves fertility and increase the production of breast milk.
In men, it helps increase the levels of testosterone and thus reduce the symptoms of andropause. Symptoms of male menopause such as infertility, hot flashes, bone loss and low sex drive are being reduced by the presence of anethole in anise seeds.
• Anise seeds help prevent respiratory diseases such as asthma
Another health benefit of “nketenkete” is to prevent respiratory diseases such as asthma, coughs, bronchitis and sinus infections. It is mostly used in cough mixtures and lozenges due to its expectorant properties. Anise also helps in cold and flu infections, pneumonia and influenza.
• It aids in digestion
If you want to improve digestion, the best natural spice to add to your foods is anise seeds. It enables the digestive cells and enzymes to function effectively. This help the digestive system to get rid of digestive disorders such as gastritis, nausea, stomach pains, diarrhea and flatulence.
• It improves sexual health
Also, anise seeds help in the improvement of sexual health in both men and women. Due to the presence of anethole in anise, it increases the production of estrogen and testosterone in women and men respectively. The estrogen and testosterone are hormones responsible for the sex drives in men and women. Thus, the increment of estrogen and testosterone levels means increment in the sex drives of both sexes. It is also said to have aphrodisiac contents which induce sex drive.
• Aid in arthritis and pain relief
Furthermore, anise help in arthritis and the relief of joint and body pains. It has antispasmodic effects which help in rheumatism and the relief of pain. Anise help in the circulation of blood through the body and help strengthen the muscles and tissues to heal aches and pains within the body.
• Fight infections
Anise seeds are also known to be rich in antioxidants which fight against various infections. Bacteria, fungal and viral infections can be cured with anise seeds.
• Improves the immune system
Nketenkete also help boost the immune system to fight against diseases. Due to the high content of antioxidants, it prevents free radicals that causes diseases from the body and thus shielding the immune system from diseases.
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• Improves the brain
In addition to the above, anise seeds helps to improve the nervous system to prevent seizure, brain damage and loss of memory.