A SIMPLE GUIDE to calling 2020 SHS Placement Call Centres for HELP

2020 SHS Placement Call Centres are being set up by the GES ahead of the release of placements for the over 525,000 candidates. The Ghana Education Service is working around the clock to set up call centres to help resolve issues for those who may have challenges.
The Computerized School Selection & Placement System (CSSPS) will be used for delivering results of the placement to students and stakeholders
In this article, we attempt to answer some preliminary questions and give you tips on how to prepare before you call any call centre number for help.
ALSO READ: SHS Placement Call Centre: GES gets ready for a showdown
What are the GES SHS Placement Call Centre lines?
These are telephone lines that the GES would release to the public through which persons with school placement challenges will contact the service for assistance.
The Ghana Education Service will provide a set of numbers through which the call centres can be reached to help resolve placement issues without the need for parents and students to be physically present.
What are the School Placement Call Centre Numbers?
How to get help from the 2020 SHS Placement Call Centres
It is important for anyone calling the SHS Placement Call Centres to prepare ahead of calling. To do this, you may consider the following suggestions.
1. Get a phone with enough call credit. This is to ensure when your call goes through, your line does not drop due to exhausted credit.
2. Know your student index number, name and Basic school attended and write them down.
3. Know clearly what your challenge or problem is before you call the placement centre.
Parents and students can help make the process easy and less stressful by writing down their problems/challenges before placing a call. This will help ensure, you are able to explain your issue for the right assistance.
Examples of a few messages you may craft based on your peculiar issue.
a. Hello, I am Kofi; I have not been placed in any of the schools I chose and attempts to do the self placement has not been successful either.
b. Hi, my name is Judith, when I log in to the placement portal…
C. Good morning … I have changed my self placement, but I still see the former self-placement I made. I need help.
Craft a simple message before you call or keep in mind exactly what to say.
5. Get all call centre numbers or as many as they may be available.
6. Dial one particular call centre number at a time.
7. When it fails to go through, keep trying because there may be others also trying to reach the call centre through the same phone number.
We hope these tip bits on the SHS Placement Call Centres helped.
Source: Ghanaeducation.org