Can’t Wait To Leave This GES, Teacher Pens Down His Pains Over Laptop

Because of the One Teacher One Laptop, a teacher pens down his pains and frustration regarding attempts by the compel teachers to pay for laptops.
These laptops will be used as working tools. In contracts of employment that create an employer-employee relationship between the GES and Teachers, it is the duty of the Ghana Education Service to provide teachers with working tools including laptops if the employer deems it necessary for effective and efficient work by teachers.
But in this situation, the teacher is top pay 30% of the cost. How? and why? It is on this premise that a teacher pens down his legitimate pains. The One Teacher One Laptop project does not seem to excite all members of the teaching fraternity.
Read his opinion…
I have been thinking about this laptop per teacher policy by government and teacher unions:
1. Why should a teacher be coerced to buy his/her own working tools and equipment?
2. From the director-general, GES headquarters to the district director who paid part of the cost of the computers at their various offices?
3. When the government was digitizing parliament, which MP paid 30% of the cost of the iPad installed and the refreshments?
4. When the doctor doesn’t have consumables, tools, and equipment to work with, does he/she purchase it by him/herself?
5. Government has been able to freely supply ALL SHS students and Schools with:
a. 3 square meals per day
b. 5 different school uniforms
c. Wi-Fi
d. Utilities
e. Textbooks,
f. Exercise books, etc
But can’t supply teachers with FREE computers to aid teaching and learning?
He continues to ask critical questions about the One Teacher One Laptop
Our teacher unions (GNAT, NAGRAT, CCT GH, etc) have totally failed in this instance and should bow their heads in shame.
We pay for the following expenditures to the benefit of the government without corresponding allowances/ reliefs:
1. Rent
2. Transportation
3. Fuel
4. Uniforms/ attires
5. Medicals
6. Personal taxes, etc
Why should teacher unions negotiate on the government’s own policy of digitizing education? If Government can’t provide tools and equipment to roll out her own policy, who cares? After all, teachers have been purchasing their own supplementary textbooks, computers/ Laptops, copies of syllabuses, teaching aids, etc for their work.
The question GES needs to answer for its One Teacher One Laptop programme
Is it a curse to be a teacher in Ghana?
By: Citizen teacher
Can’t wait to leave this GES…..
READ: GES Special COVID-19 Text Message to Teachers and Parents