Heads of Free SHSs disclose January 2022 reopening date

The President of the Conference of Heads of Assisted Secondary Schools (CHASS), Mr Abubakar Yakubu confirmed on Wednesday that, Public Senior High Schools will reopen school on January 5, 2022, for the commencement of the 2022 academic year.
While granting an interview to GBC news, he indicated that According to him, schools are due to reopen on the stipulated date after engagements with the Ministry of Education (MoE).
However, the heads of Free SHS in the country have threatened to postpone the reopening date. The threat is the result of the nonpayment of allowances owed to them by the government.
The CHASS has therefore given the government up to December 31, 2021, to settle the arrears.
The association has also asked the government to ensure National Food and Buffer Stock (NABCO) supplies all outstanding.
food stocks to various Senior High Schools ahead of the start of the academic year to avoid any foreseen and avoidable challenges.
Free SHSs 2022 reopening date and the demands of the CHASS
CHASS expects government and the managers of education to ensure the following are settled before schools reopen.
- The release of 50% percent of form 3 perishables.
- The Release of Teachers Intervention Money
- The Payment of Staff Motivation funds.
- Payment of Development Levy and fifty percent examination levy to benefitiaries
Failure of the government to meet the needs above will make it impossible for the schools to provide the needed services to students if they report to school from 4th January 2022.
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“Chass will inform GES on January 4, 2022, and advise parents not to send their wards to schools on the reporting date of January 5, 2022, as Heads will not be able to administer the running of the schools amidst these challenges.” CHASS has indicated.
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Has the GES confirmed the Free SHSs 2022 reopening date?
Although CHASS has disclosed the reopening date for schools, the GES is yet to officially release the 2022 Academic calendar for Semester 1 for Gold, Green, and single track students in SHS 2 and SHS 3 and that of 2021 BECE graduates who are expected to start their secondary education in March 2022.