James Buchanan Fellowship 2024-2025 – Fully Funded

James Buchanan Fellowship 2024-2025 - Fully Funded
The Mercatus Center’s James Buchanan Fellowship is a competitive one-year fellowship program offered to researchers who have recently finished their doctoral studies in any field.
The purpose of this fellowship is to support early-career researchers in their critical engagement with Adam Smith’s political economy as well as the theories of the Austrian, Virginia, and Bloomington schools of political economics.
Additionally, James Buchanan Fellows will gain knowledge of how these ideas are currently being applied to social science investigations into the institutional underpinnings and dynamics of social, political, and economic coordination.
Mercatus Center James Buchanan Fellows are expected to:
- On the days the colloquia start, arrange with their home institution to cover any teaching assignments that might cause scheduling conflicts with travel, and work out their schedules so they can get to the colloquium site by 4 p.m.
- Organize their calendars and reach suitable agreements with suitable parties to fulfill any teaching assignments and other obligations that may cause scheduling conflicts.
- Respect customary codes of conduct for professionals when attending the program’s locations. Send in reimbursement requests for out-of-pocket expenses no later than 15 days following each colloquium’s conclusion.
- Respect the guidelines, instructions, and deadlines that Mercatus Center employees provide regarding their involvement in the fellowship.
Mercatus Center’s James Buchanan Fellows are required to:
- Be employed at an academic institution (such as a university or a university-based center) while participating in the James Buchanan Fellowship Program.
- Attend and actively participate in all aspects of the planned program of events, including meals and organized social activities.
- Arrive on time and prepared for each colloquia session by carefully reading the assigned reading beforehand.
- Complete a short evaluation survey after each colloquium.
- Fill out a fellowship evaluation survey at the end of the fellowship year.
- Keep an up-to-date record with the program of a valid postal address where packages can be shipped.
- Submit an updated curriculum vita on request, quarterly, during their participation in the program.
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