Members in Oti & Volta not complying with Strike Directive -Teacher Unions

The four Pre-Tertiary Teacher Unions upon investigations have disclosed that some teachers in the Oti and Volta regions are not complying with the strike directive from leadership.
The leadership of GNAT, NAGRAT, CTT-GH, and TEWU have called on all teachers across the country to comply with the strike directive fully.
It further called on managers of schools to stop coercing teaching and non-teaching staff into performing their duties during the striking period.
In a letter dated 7th July, and copied to Ghana Education News, the unions indicated that a joint monitoring team set up by the teacher unions to monitor the full adherence to the directive showed that in the Oti and Volta regions.
Members in Oti & Volta not complying with Strike Directive instead…
a. Most TEWU staff in the Pre-tertiary institution were still at post and carrying out their official duties.
b. Some Heads of Schools are coercing teachers to invigilate mock examinations.
c. Workshops are being organized by some District Directors and Heads of institutions.
d. Sporting and reading festivals are being organized and supervised by teachers.
Based on the above findings, the leadership of the teacher unions have reminded all teaching and non-teaching staff in the 16 regions that the strike declared on 4th July is in full force. It further called on all members of GNAT, NAGRAT, CCT-GH, and TEWU at the pre-tertiary level to cease all curricular and extracurricular activities with immediate effect until further directives are received from the union leaders.
It called on stakeholders to stop coercing union members to undertake any activity during the period since it amounts to an infringement of the Labour Law ACT 2003 (Act 651).
Teachers and non-teaching staff have been charged to comply with the decision of their leaders to ensure the aims of the industrial action are realized.
In a related development, a teacher has pronounced curses on all the leaders of the unions. She called on the gods to strike dead any leader who will go for money (envelopes) and call off the strike. The viral video has attracted a lot of reactions from the teaching fraternity. Check the full story here: Teacher curses union leaders who will take bribe and call off strike (VIDEO)
Source: Ghana Education News