NSS Announces Fully-Sponsored Program For STEM Graduates – Apply Here
The National Service Secretariat(NSS) has announced a Fully-Sponsored training program for all STEM graduates who will begin their service in November this year.
This program, dubbed Ghana1000 program, is organized to equip STEM graduates for employment. All STEM graduates should apply using https://applications.iiafrica.org/appl-prev.php?appltype=Ghana1000. The deadline for registration is 1st September, 2023.
“Are you a STEM graduate in Ghana and starting your National Service in November 2023?
Then apply for the Ghana1000 program, a 6-week intensive world class business and data skills training program, fully-sponsored, to help you transition into industry.
Applications are open from 15th August to 1st September 2023.
To secure your place APPLY HERE
Or visit nss.gov.gh for the registration link.”
Once you log onto the dashboard, you will be made to fill in the following information.
READ ALSO: 2023/2024 Admission Deadline For All Technical Universities In Ghana
- Given name(s)
- Surname/Family name
- Preferred name
- Date of Birth
- Gender and marital status
- NSS number
- County of birth
- Region/State of origin
- Country of current residence
- Nationality
- Phone number where you can be reached
- Permanent address
- Mailing address
- Current status
- Highest degree received
- Most recent degree received (or if currently enrolled, expected
date of completion) - Major Field of Study
- University/College Name
- Final Year Project Title (Put NA if not applicable)
- Current GPA
- Do you own a working laptop that you can use for the 8 weeks? If No, how do you plan to get one? If Yes, give some details about the laptop you own.
This initiative started as a partnership between the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) and the European School of Management and Technology (ESMT) in Berlin, and with support funding from the German Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst, DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service).
It was launched in 2017 and it is now in its sixth year in running. The program team partnered with Academics Without Borders (AWB) based in Canada in 2020 to scale the program to a new university outside the AIMS Centers.
Their main aim is to make graduates ready for employment