Things To Know Before Registering And Writing Teacher Licensure Examination In June
Even before you make up your mind to registering and writing Teacher Licensure Examination, there are few things one has to know before, during, and after writing the license examination.
These things will help the individual writing the examination or who has written the examination but couldn’t pass it all.
ALSO READ: Facts Checked: 2021 Teacher Licensure Examination (GTLE)
Things To Know Before Registering And Writing Teacher Licensure Examination
Before you register for the upcoming license examination that will be held in June, you have to know these things.
#1 NTC Curriculum For The Licensure Examination.
National Teaching Council has a curriculum for the license examination.
The subjects or courses that the examination is based on are;
*Literacy (English Language).
*Numeracy (Mathematics).
*Essential Skills (Methodology or pedagogy of teaching or education).
The curriculum elaborates on topics that one needs to study before the examination.
It is important to note that, from these topics, questions will be set for the examination.
A thorough study of the curriculum’s topics will help one to answer questions properly.
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Type(s) Of Test
The Literacy test is both an objective and subjective test. (This means there are questions with options and subjective questions or theory questions).
The Numeracy test also has both objective and subjective tests.
Essential Skill is an objective test of 60 questions.
The score for each text is 60
Materials Needed For The Teacher Licence Examination
Few materials are needed to write the examination. These materials are…
- The printout containing the candidate’s index number and other details.
- Voters ID Card.
- Pen or Pens
- Calculator (for mathematics only)
- Mathematical set (for mathematics only)
- Rule
How to register for the upcoming licensure examination.
National Teaching Council (NTC) has a website that announces the time for the registration.
When the time is due, one has to go through the following processes in order to register for the examination.
Visit any Ghana Commercial Bank branch to purchase an e-voucher containing your pin and serial number.
However, if you are not close to GCB or want to avoid the problem of joining the queue, you can get access to your e-voucher through mtn mobile money.
After purchasing your voucher, you have to visit the GTLE portal and register.
If you can’t register, visit any internet solution centre or internet cafe for them to do the registration for you at a fee.
Note. You have to confirm your status on their website before you buy the voucher.
You may have completed your tertiary education, but you are not eligible to write the Teacher Licensure Examination.