Solve the following 2024 BECE RME Questions

Check out these 2024 BECE RME Questions and Answers
Candidates preparing for the BECE are encouraged to solve the following 2024 BECE RME objective test questions. The questions are followed by the answers suggested by the examiner.
In all, we have shared 40 likely examination questions in Section A with all the answers. Read the questions carefully before choosing from the answers.
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Solve the following 2024 BECE RME questions:
PAPER 1[40marks] 45 minutes
Think carefully before you shade the answer space; erase completely any answer you wish to change
Now answer the following questions:
1. The main lesson learnt from the story of Noah during the deluge is
A. love
B. patience
C. obedience
D. faith
2. The motive behind God creating all things before human was to
A. make humankind lord over all his creation
B. make mankind needs available to be able to feel comfort
C. make humankind till the land and care for it
D. exempt mankind from working with him (God)
3. In Islam, God is referred to as Al-Muid, which means
A. the greatest
B. the holy one
C. the restorer of life
D. the giver of life
4. A person who commits the Quran into memory in Islam is referred to as
A. Hadith
B. Hafiz
C. Sunnah
D. Torah
5. Christianity and Islam are common by their
A. origin
B. founder
C. their holy book
D. teachings
6. Which of the following festivals is the most important in Christianity?
A. Christmas
B. Easter
C. Passover
D. Resurrection day
7. Who led the Israelites into the promise land?
A. Joshua
B. Moses
C. Aaron
D. Jesus Christ
8. Which of the following pair of religions do sacrifice in in their worship
A. Christianity and Islam
B. Traditional and Islam
C. Christianity and Traditional
D. Judaism and Christianity
9. The first factor to be considered when naming a new born child is
A. the family of the child
B. the place given birth
C. the day given birth with
D. the father of the child
10. Which animal was sent by Noah to found out if there was a dried land during the great flood according to the Bible?
A. crow
B. ant
C. dove
D. weaver bird
11. Judas Iscariot before betraying Jesus took …………..according to the Bible
A. 35 pieces of silver
B. 100 pieces of silver
C. 20 pieces of silver
D. 30 pieces of silver
12. People with quick temper are considered to be…..
A. ungrateful
B. uncourteous
C. comfortless
D. impatient
13. Puberty rites are performed in Ghanaian community to encourage………..among adolescents
A. chastity
B. immorality
C. acceptance
D. love
14. The main reason for bad behaviour of children in the family is
A. lack of encouragement
B. shirking of parental responsibilities
C. lack of role model
D. peer influence
15. In Islam Tawhid means
A. oneness of Allah
B. Unity of Allah
C. Uniqueness of Allah
D. Praise of Allah
16. Which of the following is mostly used for pouring of libation?
A. Water
B. Oil
C. Gin
D. Fat
17. Voluntary alms-giving by Muslims is called
A. Zakat
B. Salat
C. Baraqah
D. Sadaqah
18. The act of going round the Ka’bah seven times teaches
A. endurance
B. love
C. unity
D. faith
19. In Christianity, Eucharist represents
A. Christmas
B. Easter
C. Holy Communion
D. The Resurrection
20. Which of the following factors is not good for good family relationship?
A. impatient
B. communication
C. tolerance
D. supportive
21. One of the effects of immorality is
A. rape
B. illegal abortion
C. fornication
D. pre-mature death
22. The first family on earth were task to undertake which occupation
A. grazing
B. animal rearing
C. farming
D. care taker
23. The main reason for obeying our parents is to
A. get more favour
B. live long
C. be happy in life
D. help them
24. The main reason behind self-examination is to help the family to avoid
A. false accusation
B. unfairness
C. fight
D. divorce
25. It is a taboo to marry from your
A. hometown
B. country
C. family
D. tribe
26. A patriotic citizen is one who is
A. loyal and law abiding
B. loyal and hospitable to strangers
C. loving and willing to die for the nation
D. respectful in the community
27. We show total obedience to God by
A. Reading scriptures
B. Doing his will
C. going to the church
D. participating in religious activities
28.One of these is a feature of Traditional African religious home
A. the use of cross
B. the use of sacred book
C. celebration of traditional festivals
D. preaching
29. Legal tender means money is
A. backed by law
B. made with a material
C. precious
D. good
30. Work for earning a living is
A. household work
B. occupational work
C. domestic work
D. religious work
31. The type of Salat performed at night is
A. Maghrib
B. Zuhr
C. Asr
D. Isha
32. The type of rituals performed by Muslims during Hajj when the sun sets over Arafat is
A. Ifada
B. Tawaf
C. Ihram
D. Ibada
33. The first stage in pouring libation is
A. invocation
B. introduction
C. petition
D. incantation
34. In which of the following activities constitute wrong way of using our leisure time as students
A. reading story books
B. going for practical lessons
C. gossiping
D. going on excursion
35. One of these is a negative way of earning money
A. selling on the street
B. farming
C. inheritance from family
D. betting
36. The act of falsifying figures or document is
A. invoicing
B. forgery
C. stealing
D. corruption
37. The act of keeping money for future uses helps
A. increase wealth
B. add value to wealth
C. living expensive lifestyle
D. saving lives
38. One way by which religious leaders misuse religious funds is
A. buying needed things
B. living expensive lifestyle
C. wearing nice clothes
D. praying always
39. In the Bible the first Patriarch was
A. Abraham
B. Isaac
C. Jacob
D. Joseph
40. Whom is Laban to Jacob according to the Bible
A. uncle
B. father
C. brother
D. sibling
READ: Buy Final 2024 WAEC/NACCA BECE Mock and Super Mock Questions and Answers
All the answers to the 2024 BECE RME questions suggested here
1. C
2. B
3. C
4. B
5. A
6. B
7. A
8. B
9. A
10. C
11. D
12. B
13. A
14. B
15. B
16. C
17. D
18. A
19. C
20. A
21. D
22. C
23. B
24. A
25. C
26. C
27. B
28. C
29. A
30. B
31. D
32. A
33. B
34. C
35. D
36. D
37. D
38. B
39. A
40. A
Please 15 is A