Teachers will Resume Classes and Start Discussions within 24Hrs

The National Labour Commission has instructed teachers who are dissatisfied to end their strike and have a meeting with the government to discuss their concerns within a day. So, teachers are to resume classes from tomorrow.
The Commission has also ordered the government, under the leadership of Minister of Education Dr. Yaw Osei Adutwum, to distribute laptops to the teachers within two months.
This directive was given by the National Labour Commission following a meeting with representatives from the striking teachers and the government.
Dr. Yaw Osei Adutwum, who represented the government, stated, “We have reached an agreement with the NLC, and they have decided that the Ministries of Education and Employment should convene with the labor unions tomorrow at 2:00 pm to address their grievances.”
King Ali Awudu, President of the Coalition of Concerned Teachers (CCT), who spoke on behalf of the teacher unions, mentioned, “It has been decided that all laptops will be distributed by the end of June, and by the 8th of June, the scheme of service with the GES will be tackled. The Ghana Education Service should take necessary actions with the Office of the Special Prosecutor to ensure that teachers’ salaries are paid.”
ALSO READ: Students stranded, academic activities disrupted as strike by teachers unions continues
The National Labour Commission (NLC) has dragged the Ghana Education Service (GES) and Ministry of Education (MoE) to court earlier before the beginning of the stick.
The Commission has taken this step, in reaction to the decision by the GES and the MoE to defy its orders to ensure payment of online allowances to staff of the University of Environment and Sustainable Development, Somanya in the Eastern Region, who are members of University Teachers Association of Ghana (UTAG).
Early this year, aggrieved lecturers at the University of Environment and Sustainable Development withdrew their services. The lecturers are demanding payment of capitation online teaching allowance which has been in arears over a year.
The NLC summoned the lecturers who are members of UTAG, as well as officials of the ministries of Education and Finance.
After deliberation, the Commission queried the representatives of Finance and Education ministries for defying its 2023 ruling to pay the allowance to the disgruntled lecturers.
The Executive Secretary of the Commission, Mr Ofosu Asamoah said the suit is to ensure that government settles the arrears to the lecturers.
“The respondents were here, and we asked have you complied with the directive? They said no, so we have taken them to court, the law states that we should go to court to seek enforcement that is what the Commission has done,” Mr Asamoah explained.
MORE STORIES:Labour Commission sues GES over unpaid allowance to UTAG members
He added, “they have to go court to explain to the court why they have not complied with the directive and if their explanation is tenable the court will decide”.
Meanwhile, the aggrieved lecturers have resumed work.
Regarding the following announcement, teachers are to resume classes and from tomorrow and give the government and the NLC chances of negotiation