University of Ghana Legon Engineering Courses & answers to FAQs

At the University of Ghana, applicants can select from a variety of engineering courses. Because of this, applicants to various Engineering programs at Legon can always apply if they passed the WASSCE and other relevant Examinations. We’ll discover what engineering programs you can enroll in at the University of Ghana. We will also provide information about the University of Ghana, Legon’s admission standards and application process.
Does Legon offer Engineering courses?
University of Ghana, Legon offers a range of engineering courses such as computer engineering, and biomedical engineering. check the full list right below.
University of Ghana Legon Engineering Courses and their Cut-off Points
BSc. Computer Engineering 12
BSc. Biomedical Engineering 14
BSc. Agriculture Engineering 14
BSc. Food Processing Engineering 15
BSc. Material Science Engineering 14
how many years does it take to study Engineering at Legon?
The study duration for all the Engineering programs in Legon is four years for WASSCE graduates. Thus, WASSCE graduates will read the program for four years.
However, applicants with an HND certificate will study the program for only two or three years, depending on your class and the HND program.
what is the admission requirement to read Engineering at Legon?
Applicants must possess the following result:
Credit Passes in these Core Subjects:
English Language
Integrated Science
Social Studies
Also, must have at least C6 in three out of the following subjects:
Elective Mathematics
you realize that only science students best qualify to apply for these engineering programs.
Is Civil Engineering Offered In Legon?
University of Ghana does not offer a first-degree program in Civil Engineering.
is Architecture offered at Legon?
No! Legon does not offer Architecture and civil engineering for now.
However, there are other universities in Ghana that offers such a course. KNUST does offer Architecture and civil engineering.
Therefore, I will entreat you to check the course offerings of these Universities for a Civil Engineering Program:
Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Knust.
University of Mines and Technology – UMAT
The University of Health and Allied Sciences – UHAS
The University of Energy And Natural Resources – UENR
above are University of Ghana Legon Engineering Courses for this 2023/2024
ALSO READ: KNUST Engineering Courses & Career Options