Whose interest are SSNIT office holders serving? Journalist Israel Laryea
- Celebrated Journalist Israel Laryea has waded into the mysteries surrounding the decision of SSNIT managers to sell 60% of its shares in six hotels to Rock City Hotels to Bryan Acheampong. His question is whose interest are SSNIT office holders serving?
Whose interest are SSNIT office holders serving?
He writes:
On the matter of SSNIT and virtually all of the problems plaguing us in Ghana and the issues we complain about, there is the fundamental case of SOEs or state agencies that have been corrupted over time with the appointment of political cronies who are often misfits or unqualified and who are in office to pursue interests other than the interests of the people of Ghana.
It started off with each of the two dominant political parties appointing their own into key positions in the SOEs and state agencies. Ideally, this shouldn’t be a problem, except the appointments over the years have been based more on political patronage, cronyism and nepotism rather than merit and competence.
READ: Sad Realities: SSNIT contributors must wake up or go home with peanuts upon retirement
Unfortunately, when the opposition takes on the incumbent on any issue, though on the face of it, it may seem they are fighting for the people, it is largely because they want to make the other party unpopular so they stand a better chance of winning power so they could also enjoy the spoils of electoral victory willy-nilly. It’s never really about the people of Ghana.
It’s a very sad distin.
Is there even one state agency which has not been corrupted by this political patronage system of appointment? I doubt.
Even the institutions that are to check corruption and police the system have themselves been corrupted.
It is because of this very issue that there’s deep mistrust between the two major parties, because they know how terribly selfish and wicked they have been and can be when they find themselves in power.
Imagine, if SSNIT and all those other institutions whose actions and inactions are being questioned now were functioning as they should and had officers, appointed on merit working in the sole interest of the state, we wouldn’t have such level of mistrust. At this rate however, we will continue to question virtually every decision and wonder whose interest they are serving.
READ: How to Check SSNIT Statement Online