1 USD to GHS – US Dollars to Ghanaian Cedis Exchange Rate (Real Time Rates)
Check your accurate and reliable exchange rates here. You can convert from 1 USD to GHS or from any other currency to the other. Check the US Dollars to Ghanaian Cedis Exchange Rate on each new business day here. The rates provided on this page are accurate at the time of your check. Check the US dollar to Ghanaian cedi rate today. Use our free online currency conversion based on exchange rates with our real time converter.
Do not be deceived by interbank exchange rates quoted by the Bank of Ghana. Those rates are mere averages of the actual rates on the open market. On this page, you can find accurate and reliable rates and where the currency in question is heading towards.
Check the 1 US Dollars to Ghanaian Cedis Exchange Rate and get the rates in real time. The rates you get from here are good for planning, decision-making, and trading purposes. The decision to make use of these rates lies in your power and not in ours.
USD – US Dollar
Our currency rankings show that the most popular US Dollar exchange rate is the USD to USD rate. The currency code for US Dollars is USD. The currency symbol is $
GHS – Ghanaian Cedi
Our currency rankings show that the most popular Ghanaian Cedi exchange rate is the GHS to USD rate. The currency code for Ghanaian Cedis is GHS. The currency symbol is GH₵.
To use our real-time rates, just change the currency to the one you want to know and the one you seek to convert to and get the results instantly. Be it from Dollar to Cedi, Cedi to Yen, Pounds to Dollar or any other currency, you can find up to 95 currencies here. Check the next exchange rate here the easy way.
Source: https://currencyrate.today/converter-widget
The US Dollars to Ghanaian Cedis Exchange Rate which are Real-Time Rates are worth knowing and can be accessed easily. Check rates from one currency to the other.