10 Science and Health Facts You Don’t Know
There are Science and Health Facts that will blow your mind however the reality is that there are very useful lessons and knowledge that we can acquire from these facts.
10 Science and Health Facts
- When we sleep, waves of spinal fluid wash over the brain to remove waste. This means sound Sleep is the super medicine enough to cure many ailments of our body.
- The life expectancy of the heart. According to experts, the heart features high reliability and a large margin of safety, which is enough for a lifetime of 150 years.
- A robotic white cane has been invented which can help people who are blind or have visual impairments to walk around safely. It has the ability to detect and sense obstacles and so helps the user to move away safely from obstacles and danger.
- The human body is inhabited by nearly 40 trillion bacteria, the vast majority of which are responsible for our health
These bacteria not only produce beneficial metabolites from the food we eat but also control the immune system, influence angiogenesis and even help synthesize hormones related to brain and social function.
To improve the microbiome, eat foods such as kimchi, sauerkraut, cheddar cheese, and yeast bread.
- Lactose intolerance: In the presence of intestinal dysbacteriosis, substances produced by the microbial breakdown of lactose in the large intestine have a toxic effect and can cause
– diarrhea;
– flatulence;
– abdominal cramps and pain;
– nausea and vomiting;
– increased fatigue;
– and, according to some reports, even psychiatric disorders.People with lactose intolerance accumulate lactose in huge quantities. This leads to increased reproduction of bacteria that feed on milk sugar, and such conditions multiply the risk of acne and acne.
Even if you tolerate dairy as a child, this can change as you get older. Over the years, many people lose the ability to properly digest dairy products.
- Science and Health Facts number 6: How harmful is salt?Salt is an inorganic compound, sodium chloride.
Both sodium and chlorine are necessary for the nervous system – without them, like potassium and calcium, it will not conduct signals.Salt is needed to maintain an environment in the body in which cells stay alive, don’t lose water, and don’t get too much of it.
With sweat and urine, we lose salt, so it must be consumed every day.
Its deficiency leads to severe disorders of the nervous system, low blood pressure, muscle spasms, leaching of minerals from bones, and destruction of muscles.
Excess salt causes high blood pressure and leads to water retention in the body – edema. It is especially dangerous for hypertensives and people with kidney disease.
As you can see, salt is necessary for our body, the main thing is to know the measure.
- Laughing is good for the heart and can increase blood flow by 20 percent.
- Always look on the bright side: being an optimist can help you live longer than being a pessimist.
- Exercise will give you more energy, even when you’re tired.
- Keep more fruits and vegetables in your refrigerator and not meat and dairy products. Fruits and vegetables mean life and meat and related products represent sickness and health problems.
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The Bonus Fact of the Science and Health Facts You Don’t Know is that “Farting helps to reduce high blood pressure hence it is good for your life.
Source: @Health on Telegram