2023 BECE Pre-Tech Questions & Answers ( Must See)

2023 Sample BECE Mock – These Sample Pre-Tech Questions & Answers Will Help Candidates Revise Well.
Ahead of the 2023 BECE, we have provided some BECE Mock Sample Pre-Tech Questions & Answers for you to try your hands on. These questions may be familiar. Attempt them under examination conditions and assess yourself. We shall continue to publish useful resources for the 2023 BECE. Watch out for our 2023 MOCK QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS on this website.
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2023 BECE MOCK: Sample Pre-Tech Questions & Answers
(Pre-Technical Skills 1)
1. To hold a lining onto a fabric temporarily, one can use
A. basting
B. even tacking
C. tailor’s tacks
D. thread marking
2. Which of the following stitches can be used to neaten raw edges of a set-in-sleeve?
A. Feather
B. Fishbone
C. Herringbone
D. Loop
3. The goiter on Evelyn’s neck is caused by lack of
A. calcium
B. iodine
C. protein
D. vitamin
4. Man-made elements represented in art include
A. branches
B. rivers
C. stones
D. walls
5. The visitors’ book signed at exhibitions helps the exhibitions helps the exhibitor to know the
A. dignitaries who attended
B. number of works in high demand
C. observations made about the work
D. people who came
Use the sketch below to answer questions 6 and 7
6. Which of the following represents the front view in the direction of arrow Z?
7. Which of the following represents the left end elevation in the direction of arrow X?
8. A place where art works are sold is
A. an archive
B. a gallery
C. a museum
D. a studio
9. In design, the conditions that the final solution must satisfy is termed
A. investigation
B. specification
C. development
D. analysis
10. Which of the following instruments is most suitable for drawing horizontal lines?
A. Tee-square
B. Protractor
C. Compass
D. Set-square
Figure 2 shows a design process. Use it to answer questions 11 and 12
11. Figure 2 shows the method of
A. specifying solutions
B. stating specification
C. evaluating artifact
D. identifying needs
12. Which of the following design process stages follows the method shown in figure 2?
A. Writing specifications
B. Writing situation
C. Analyzing a situation
D. Sketching possible solutions
13. Shading with lines is described as
A. cross hatching
B. hatching
C. stippling
D. tonal value
14. Which of the following colours produces a feeling of warmth?
A. Blue
B. Green
C. Violet
D. White
15. Which of the following factors can cause a sewing business to collapse?
A. Advertising
B. Insurance
C. Low sales
D. Skilled labour
16. In mixing mortar, the ratio 1:5 represents
A. one part sand to five parts cement
B. one part water to five parts cement
C. one part cement to five parts sand
D. one part cement to five parts gravel
17. Aggregates used for concrete mixture should be
A. well graded
B. round in size
C. square in size
D. medium graded
18. Which of the following represents a centre line?
2022 BECE MOCK: Sample Pre-Tech Questions & Answers
19. Which of the following is a safety workshop practice?
A. Wearing strong boots
B. Wearing loose clothing
C. Leaving tools on bench
D. Using mushroom head chisel
20. Polyvinyl acetate is also called
A. animal glue
B. white glue
C. resin glue
D. contact glue
21. Making a round hole in a piece of metal is termed
A. boring
B. chipping
C. drilling
D. chamfering
22. Which of the following is not a property of aluminium?
A. Light in weight
B. It corrodes
C. Absorbs heat readily
D. It is a good conductor of electricity
23. In furniture works, joints which have to be disconnected at certain times can be described as
A. permanent joints
B. immovable joints
C. movable joints
D. temporary joints
Use the symbol below to answer questions 24 and 25
24. The symbol shows
A. an inductor
B. a diode
C. a switch
D. a capacitor
25. The component is used for
A. storing electrical energy
B. opening and closing a circuit
C. opposing the flow of electric current.
D. allowing current to flow in one direction
26. In applying finishes, the emulsion paint is mixed with
A. oil
B. water
C. thinner
D. turpentine
27. The most appropriate tool for enlarging holes in metals is the
A. flat file
B. hand file
C. square file
D. round file
Use the sketch below to answer questions 28 to 30
28. The process represented in the sketch is
A. marking out
B. measuring
C. cutting
D. drilling
29. The tool marked P is a
A. marking gauge
B. builder’s square
C. try-square
D. mortise gauge
30. The material being worked on is
A. polyvinyl chloride
B. mahogany
C. sandcrete block
D. mild steel.
2023 BECE MOCK: Sample Pre-Tech Questions & Answers
BASIC DESIGN AND TECHNOLOGY 1 – (Pre-Technical Skills 1)
Objective Test – ANSWERS
1. B. even tacking
2. C. Herringbone
3. B. iodine
4. D. walls
5. C. observations made about the work
6. A.
7. C.
8. B. gallery
9. B. specification
10. A. Tee-square
11. D. identifying needs
12. B. Writing situation
13. B. hatching
14. C. Violet
15. C. Low sales
16. C. one part cement to five parts sand
17. A. well graded
18. A.
19. A. Wearing strong boots
20. B. white glue
21. C. drilling
22. B. It corrodes
23. C. movable joints
24. C. a switch
25. B. opening and closing a circuit
26. B. water
27. D. round file
28. A. marking out
29. C. try-square
30. B. mahogany
2023 BECE MOCK: Sample Pre-Tech Questions & Answers
(Pre-Technical Skills 2)
Answer question 1 [COMPULSORY]
1. (a) State the main method for cooking the following foods:
(i) rice
(ii) cake
(b) State four suitable methods for preserving fish.
(c) (i) List the type of pencil most suitable for the following operations:
Lettering | |
Drawing outlines | |
Shading |
(ii) List four methods of recording data for solving design problems.
(d) (i) State three benefits of packaging.
(ii) List two important information on a good package
(e) Draw a line to illustrate each of the following:
(i) movement
ii. texture
[50 marks]
Answer two questions only from this section
All questions carry equal marks
2. Figure 1 shows a wooden object to be prepared in the workshop.
(a) Draw full size the front view in the direction of arrow W.
(b) List two tools used for:
(i) marking-out the shape of the object
(ii) cutting the waste wood.
(c) State two ways of caring for and maintaining the jack plane.
(d) State the difference between ferrous metals and non-ferrous metals.
(e) Make a freehand sketch of the builder’s square.
3. (a) State one reason why personal safety should be observed in the workshop.
(b) List two specific tools for carrying out each of the following operations:
(i) setting-out a wall;
(ii) moulding bricks;
(iii) cutting a tenon from a piece of wood;
(iv) soldering sheet metals.
(c) (i) Make a freehand pictorial sketch of a rasp file
(ii) Label any two parts of the tool sketched in (c)(i) above.
(iii) State one use of the rasp file.
(d) (i) State the main difference between a brick and a block.
(ii) List the two main materials for making sandcrete blocks.
4. (a) List one protective clothing each for the following:
(i) foot;
(ii) head;
(iii) eyes,
(b) (i) Make a freehand pictorial sketch of the firmer chisel.
(ii) Label any two parts of the tool sketched in 4 (b) (i)
(c) State one reason each for carrying out the following operations:
(i) cross-filing
(ii) curing a sandcrete block;
(iii) setting out a wall.
(d) Copy and complete the table below
Soft solder
(Pre-Technical Skills 2)
Objective Test
1. (a) State the main method for cooking the following foods:
(i) rice – boiling
(ii) cake – baking
(b) State four suitable methods for preserving fish.
(c) (i) List the type of pencil most suitable for the following operations:
Lettering | HB |
Drawing outlines | H, 2H |
Shading | 2B or BB , 3B, 4B, 5B, 6B |
(ii) List four methods of recording data for solving design problems.
Taking notes / Using computer
Taking photographs
Video recording
Audio recording
Drawing / sketching
Drawing graphs
Making charts
(d) (i) State three benefits of packaging.
It adds value to the product
It protects the product from contamination
It protects the consumer from hazards
Attracts consumers
Makes handling easier / makes it portable
Promotes easy identification.
(ii) List two important information on a good package
Information about content / manufacturer
Date of production
Expiry date
Instructions for usage
(e) Draw a line to illustrate each of the following:
(i) movement
Any line apart from horizontal or vertical lines, eg
(ii) texture.
[50 marks]
Answer two questions only from this section
All questions carry equal marks
2. Figure 1 shows a wooden object to be prepared in the workshop.
(a) Draw full size the front view in the direction of arrow W.
Accurately drawing 6 horizontal lines and 6 vertical lines neatly
(b) List two tools used for:
(i) marking-out the shape of the object
Marking knife
Marking gauge
Rule / Tape measure
Straight edge
(ii) cutting the waste wood.
• Mortise chisel or firmer chisel
• Mallet
• Tenon saw / other back saws (except rip saw)
(c) State two ways of caring for and maintaining the jack plane.
Cleaning the tool after use
Oiling the metal parts
Keeping the tool in the rack or tool box
Sharpening the tool before use
(d) State the difference between ferrous metals and non-ferrous metals.
Ferrous metals are metals that contain iron while non-ferrous metals do not contain iron.
Ferrous metals can rust while non-ferrous metals do not rust.
2022 BECE MOCK: Sample Pre-Tech Questions & Answers
(e) Make a freehand sketch of the builder’s square.
3. (a) State one reason why personal safety should be observed in the workshop.
To avoid injury
To prevent accident
(b) List two specific tools for carrying out each of the following operations:
(i) setting-out a wall;
Line and pins
Straight edge
Builder’s square
Profile Boards
Spirit Level
Tape measure / surveyor’s tape
Piece of chalk
(ii) moulding bricks;
Mould box
Head pan / gauge box / wheel barrow
Shovel / spade
Tamping rod
Pick Axe
(iii) cutting a tenon from a piece of wood;
Try square
Marking gauge / mortise gauge
Pencil / Marking knife
Tenon Saw
Bevel-edged chisel / firmer chisel
(iv) soldering sheet metals.
Soldering iron / bit
Coal pot / stove / blow lamp
File / emery cloth
Shears / pair of snips
Folding bar
(c) (i) Make a freehand pictorial sketch of a rasp file
(ii) Label any two parts of the tool sketched in (c)(i) above.
Blade / teeth / cut
(iii) State one use of the rasp file.
For smoothening edges and shapes
For shaping a circular piece of wood
(d) (i) State the main difference between a brick and a block.
The size: A block is bigger than a brick
The weight: A block is heavier than a brick
The material: A block is made of concrete whilst brick is made of clay
(ii) List the two main materials for making sandcrete blocks.
4. (a) List one protective clothing each for the following:
(i) foot; safety boots / safety shoes / Protective shoes
(ii) head; Helmet
(iii) eyes, Goggles / eye shield / spectacles
(b) (i) Make a freehand pictorial sketch of the firmer chisel.
(ii) Label any two parts of the tool sketched in 4 (b) (i)
• Cutting edge
• Edge
• Ferrule
• Handle
(c) State one reason each for carrying out the following operations:
(i) cross-filing
For removing waste metal
For removing unwanted metal
For removing excess metal
(ii) curing a sandcrete block;
To help the block to attain its maximum strength
To prevent rapid drying
To reduce shrinkage
To make it dense
To prevent / reduce cracks
To make it durable
(iii) setting out a wall.
• For straightness
• For squaring
• For accuracy
(d) Copy and complete the table below
2022 BECE MOCK: Sample Pre-Tech Questions & Answers
(d) Copy and complete the table below
Soft solder | Lead + tin or antimony | § For joining sheet metal
§ For soldering sheet metal, wires cables and pipe |
Brass | Copper + zinc | § Door locks
§ Door handles § Musical instruments § Hinges § Ornaments § Taps § Bolts and nuts § Bells |
Bronze | Copper + tin | § Statues
§ Trophies § Shields § Church bells |
Thinks for the help .Great job.