2023 BECE Social Studies Mock With Full Answers: We will delete this soon

BECE Social Studies Questions For 2023 Candidates is one of the important subjects that candidates need to pass. Integrated Science is a core subject meanings you have to pass to stand a chance of progressing into the SHS
Are you preparing for the BECE? If yes, take a look at these 2023 BECE Social Studies Mock With Full Answers
Answer one question only from this section.
1. (a)List five characteristics of the North East Trade winds in Ghana.
[5 marks]
(b) Describe five effects of the North East Trade winds in Ghana.
[15 marks]
2. (a) State four negative effects of rapid population growth on the development
of Ghana. [4 marks]
(b) Highlight any four ways by which rapid population growth can be reduced
in Ghana. [16 marks
Answer one question only from this section.
3. (a) List four ways through which Ghana co-operate with other nations.
[4 marks]
(b) Outline four reasons for which Ghana co-operates with neighbouring countries.
[16 marks]
4. Highlight five ways of ensuring political stability in Ghana. [20 marks]
Answer one question only from this section
5. (a) (i) Define primary production. [3 marks]
(ii)List two examples of a primary production industry in Ghana.
[2 marks]
(b) Identify five problems facing the primary production industries in Ghana.
[15 marks]
6.(a) State four advantages of saving money with the bank
[8 marks]
(b) Highlight four effects of poor handling of currency.
[12 marks]
45 minutes
1. A long narrow stretch of hills is called
A. Ridge
B. Spur
C. Mountain
D. Valley
2. The ratio between measurement on a map and the actual corresponding distance on the ground is
A. a longitude
B. a latitude
C. a scale
D. a contour
3. The layer of gases which surrounds the earth is known as
A. Atmosphere
B. Cloud
C. Ozone
D. Temperature
4. The revolution of the earth around the sun is the main cause of
A. the rise and fall in the sea level
B. the four seasons
C. changes in the direction of the ocean current
D. day and night
5. The world’s largest ocean is the
A. Atlantic
B. Pacific
C. Arctic
D. Antartic
6. Which organ of the Organization of African Unity (OAU) has the highest authority?
A. General Secretariat
B. The Council of Ministers
C. The Assembly of Heads of States and Governments
D. The Commission of Peace
7. The time in Ghana is different from the time in Nigeria because of differences in
A. latitudinal position
B. longitudinal position
C. climate condition
D. geological size
8. Ethnic conflicts must be avoided because they slow down
A. economic development
B. urban-rural migration
C. rural-urban migration
D. tribal disintegration
9. Lunar eclipse occurs when the
A. sun comes between the earth and the moon
B. earth rotates on its axis from West to East
C. moon comes between the sun and the earth
D. earth comes between the sun and the moon
10. Public corporations are set up by the government mainly to provide
A. youth employment
B. emergency services
C. entrepreneurial skills
D. utility services
11. The main institution that helps the Executive arm of government to implement its policies is the
A. Civil Service
B. Judicial Service
C. Audit Service
D. Statistical Service
12. The practice of checks and balances prevents
A. Favouritism
B. Dictatorship
C. Sectionalism
D. Ethnicity
13. When two air masses of different temperatures meet, the result is,
A. thunder and lightning
B. rain shadow zone
C. cyclonic rainfall
D. relief rainfall
14. The principle of separation of powers ensures that
A. political parties do not work together
B. the police and military do not work together
C. various organs of government work independently
D. the president appoints different ministers
15. The right to enjoy social amenities goes together with the responsibility of
A. attending communal labour
B. offering voluntary service
C. paying of taxes regularly
D. attending political meetings
16. Which of the following practices is the best way of conserving Ghana’s forest?
A. Growing of cover crops
B. Deforestation
C. Promoting the use of charcoal
D. Replanting of trees
2023 BECE Social Studies Mock With Full Answers
17. Which of the following was established to find the causes of the 1948 riots?
A. Justice Annan Committee
B. Burns Commission
C. Watson Commission
D. Coussey Commission
18. Which of the following measures can help reduce Ghana’s dependency on foreign aid?
A. Relying on Bank of Ghana reserves
B. Patronising goods from abroad
C. Generating more revenue locally
D. Repaying all foreign loans immediately
19. Which of the following governors introduced direct elections in Ghana in 1952?
A. Hugh Clifford
B. Gordon Guggisberg
C. Allan Burns
D. Arden Clarke
20. A good layout and enforcement of Town Planning laws can help reduce
A. substance abuse
B. population growth
C. emergence of slums
D. influx of immigrants
21. Relief rainfall is mostly experienced in areas of
A. highlands.
B. Savannahs
C. Forests
D. Lowlands
22. Which of the following factors promote political stability in a country?
A. Food security
B. Rigid constitution
C. Free education
D. Rule of law
23. Which of the following human activities destroys habitats of animals?
A. Bush burning
B. Bush fallowing
C. Inter-cropping
D. Mixed farming
24. Which of the following men fought for the abolishing of the slave trade?
A. Andreas Riss
B. Gordon Guggisberg
C. James Somerset
D. William Wilberforce
25. The Supreme Court of Ghana
A. interprets the constitution and the laws of Ghana
B. remands criminals in custody
C. makes and implements laws
D. runs courses for judges and magistrates
26. Which of the following methods is not a way of managing conflicts?
A. Arbitration
B. Reconciliation
C. Negotiation
D. Suppression
27. Which of the following constitutes human rights abuse?
A. Being searched by a security agent
B. Police detention beyond forty-eight hours
C. Interrogation by a security agent
D. Lawful imprisonment beyond forty-eight hours
28. The construction industry is an example of
A. secondary production
B. tertiary production
C. primary production
D. subsistence production
29. Another name for the North-East Trade Winds is
A. Harmattan
B. Monsoon
C. Fohn
D. Westerlies
30. The first missionaries to introduce secondary education in Ghana were the
A. Wesleyan
B. Catholic
C. Breman
D. Basel
31. The human resource of a country refers to
A. skills and trade unions
B. teachers only
C. skills of workers and management
D. members of local councils only
32. Joint stock companies are owned by
A. government.
B. entrepreneurs.
C. directors.
D. shareholders
33. The life span of water bodies are naturally prolonged through
A. adequate rainfall
B. building of dams
C. water sanitation
D. irrigation systems
34. The efficiency of labour can be increased if one
A. reports to work early
B. uses appropriate technology
C. works for longer hours
D. works independently
35. The major reason for establishing castle schools by the Europeans was to
A. educate the people on human rights
B. educate their own children
C. introduce formal education to the people
D. teach religious knowledge.
36. A child of not more than seven years of age found in Ghana, and whose parents cannot be traced is a Ghanaian by
A. birth
B. adoption
C. registration
D. conferment
37. In order to protect one’s rights, a citizen should be
A. a law student
B. a youth leader
C. educated on them
D. an observer at court sittings
38. Which of the following business units raises its capital through the sale of shares?
A. Public Corporations
B. Joint-stock Companies
C. Partnership
D. Co-operative societies
2023 BECE Social Studies Mock With Full Answers
39. One benefit that Ghana derives from co-operating with international bodies is
A. payment of dues to such bodies
B. contributing soldiers to peace keeping
C. accepting refugees
D. technology transfer
40. Tourism in Ghana promotes the growth of the
A. film industry
B. hotel industry
C. textile industry
D. health industry
2023 BECE Social Studies Mock With Full Answers
1. A Ridge
2. C a scale
3. A Atmosphere
4. B the four seasons
5. B Pacific
6. C The Assembly of Heads of States and Governments
7. B longitudinal position
8. A economic development
9. D earth comes between the sun and the moon
10. D utility services
11. C Civil Service
12. B dictatorship
13. C cyclonic rainfall
14. C various organs of government work independently
15. C paying of taxes regularly
16. D Replanting of trees
17. C Watson Commission
18. C Generating more revenue locally
19. D Arden Clarke
20. C emergence of slums
21. A highlands
22. D Rule of law
23. A Bush burning
24. D William Wilberforce
25. A interprets the constitution and the laws of Ghana
26. D Suppression
27. B Police detention beyond forty-eight hours
28. A secondary production
29. A Harmattan
30. D Basel
31. C. skills of workers and management
32. D. shareholders
33. A. adequate rainfall
34. B. uses appropriate technology
35. B. educate their own children
36. B. adoption
37. C. educated on them
38. B. Joint-stock Companies
39. D. technology transfer
40. B. hotel industry
2023 BECE Social Studies Mock With Full Answers
Mock Examination 1
1. (a) List five characteristics of the North East Trade winds in Ghana. [5 marks]
(i) Another name is the harmattan
(ii) They blow from the North east of Ghana to the South west of Ghana
(iii) They are usually dry / low relative humidity
(iv) The winds do not bring rains
(v) The winds carry dust along
(vi) They blow around November to February/March
(vii) They bring about hazy weather conditions – causing poor visibility
(viii) They are usually cold / have relatively low temperature
(ix) They are associated with movements of air pressure belts
(x) The cloud cover is low
(b) Describe five effects of the North East Trade winds in Ghana [15 marks]
(i) Causes poor visibility
(ii) Facilitates bush fires / wildfires
(iii) Causes the weather to be cold, dry and dusty
(iv) Prevents rainfall
(v) Causes volume of rivers and water-levels in dams to decrease
(vi) Creates dusty condition – uncovered item become dusty quickly
(vii) Causes discomfort on the eye, skin, nose and body
(viii) Promotes air pollution
(ix) Causes some rivers, streams and other water bodies to dry up
(x) Affects aircraft, rail and ship operations
(xi) Facilitates bush fires
(xii) Causes cracks on lips and feet, which can result in bleeding
(xiii) Enhance salt production
(xiv) Facilitates harvesting and drying of crops
(xv) Facilitates the acquisition of respiratory infections / diseases
(xvi) Facilitates drying of wet clothes and other items
(xvii) Reduces the favourable breeding conditions of mosquitoes
(xviii) Facilitates hunting of animals
(xix) Reduces pasture for animals
2023 BECE Social Studies Mock With Full Answers
2. (a) State four negative effects of rapid population growth on the development
of Ghana [4 marks]
Using complete sentences, state any four (4) of the points.
(i) High dependency ratio
(ii) Inadequate medical care
(iii) Migration
(iv) Pressure on natural resources / high cost of land
(v) Reduction in capital formation
(vi) Environmental degradation
(vii) Increase in social vices
(viii) Over crowding / congestion
(ix) Pressure on social amenities
(x) Lower standard of living / low per-capita income
(xi) High cost of living
(xii) Environmental pollution
(xiii) High rate of unemployment
(xiv) Poverty
(xv) Increase in crime rate
(xvi) Slums
(xvii) High government expenditure
(xviii) Social unrest
(b) Highlight any four ways by which rapid population growth can be reduced
in Ghana. [16 marks]
Using complete sentences, state any four (4) of the points and explain each in detail (with relevant examples).
[NB: The marks allotted should guide you on how detailed your answers should be]
NOTE: Write your essay in paragraphs – each point in a different paragraph
(i) Encouraging relatively late marriages
(ii) Family planning
(iii) Legislation on (making laws to control) early marriage
(iv) Education on adequate spacing of children
(v) Checking the inflow of immigrants – nationals from other countries
(vi) Tax relief for small households
(vii) Discouraging polygamy
(viii) Promoting girl-child education
(ix) Increasing gender equality
(x) Economic empowerment of women
(xi) Government policies
(xii) Intensifying education on adolescent reproductive health.
2023 BECE Social Studies Mock With Full Answers
3. (a) List four ways through which Ghana co-operate with other nations [4 marks]
(i) political cooperation
(ii) social cooperation
(iii) economic / trade
(iv) cultural
(v) educational
(vi) sports
(vii) military
(viii) technical
(b) Outline four reasons for which Ghana co-operate with neighbouring countries.
(i) sharing of common ideas / technical cooperation
(ii) fight common interest, e.g., hunger, disease,
(iii) settlement of dispute
(iv) peace, unity and security
(v) co-existence / maintain friendly relationship
(vi) energy supply
(vii) common industrial and manufacturing projects
(viii) common banking and insurance facilities
(ix) improvement of transportation and communication network
(x) easy movement of goods and services
(xi) wider markets
(xii) promote cultural solidarity and sports
(xiii) solicit financial assistance
(xiv) relief assistance
4. Highlight five ways of ensuring political stability in Ghana. [20 marks]
(Write an essay of at least five paragraphs to state and explain, with examples, any five of these points)
(i) tolerance to divergent views / different opinions
(ii) respecting the views of the minority
(iii) respecting the fundamental human rights, e.g. freedom of speech, movements, life, etc.
(iv) freedom of the press
(v) accountable and transparent governance
(vi) those in authority accepting constructive criticisms
(vii) the rule of law / enforcing the law
(viii) avoiding dictatorship
(ix) promoting ethnic integration
(x) avoiding politics of insults
(xi) probity and accountability
(xii) inculcating moral values in all members of the society
(xiii) periodic free and fair election
(xiv) access to quality education
(xv) availability of employment opportunities
(xvi) eradication of poverty
(xvii) avoiding tribalism / ethnicity
(xviii) avoiding stereotyping
(xix) national policy for successive governments to follow
2023 BECE Social Studies Mock With Full Answers
5. (a) (i) Define primary production. [3 marks]
The production / extraction of raw materials from the nature / natural environment.
(ii) List two examples of a primary production industry in Ghana. [2 marks]
(Mention any two of the following)
(i) fishing
(ii) mining
(iii) lumbering
(iv) quarrying
(v) salt winning
(vi) farming
(vii) hunting
(viii) gathering fruits and seeds
(b) Identify five problems facing the primary production industries in Ghana
[15 marks]
(Write an essay of at least five paragraphs to state and explain, with examples, any five of these points)
(i) pests / rodents
(ii) diseases
(iii) poor road network
(iv) transportation difficulties
(v) land tenure system
(vi) traditional methods of extraction
(vii) inadequate storage facilities
(viii) rainfall vagaries / inconsistent rainfall pattern
(ix) Inadequate credit facilities
(x) high interest rates on credit facilities
(xi) inadequate capital
(xii) lack of ready market / inadequate ready market
(xiii) price instability
(xiv) high costs of inputs
(xv) competition from imported goods
(xvi) inadequate protection from government policies
(xvii) inadequate labour
6. (a) State four advantages of saving money with the bank [8 marks]
Using complete sentences, state any four (4) of the points and explain each in detail (with relevant examples). Write your essay in paragraphs – each point in a separate paragraph
(i) Easy access to loans
(ii) Convenient money transfer between different accounts
(iii) Available for future use
(iv) Available for unforeseen circumstances
(v) Security and safety of money
(vi) Interest on saving
(vii) Easy to track transaction / account history
(viii) Easy access to other bank services
(ix) Reduces careless spending habits
(x) Investment starting point
(xi) Easy to withdraw
READ: Download 2023 BECE Social Studies Final Predicted Topics and Questions Here
(b) Highlight four effects of poor handling of currency. [12 marks]
Using complete sentences, state any four (4) of the points and explain each in detail (with relevant examples). Write your essay in paragraphs – each point in a separate paragraph
(i) Destruction of beauty of money
(ii) Contamination with pathogenic bacteria
(iii) Source of transmission of diseases
(iv) Rejection
(v) Replacement at high cost to government
(vi) Capable of causing skin diseases contamination
(vii) Platform for growth of bacteria
(viii) Causes of food poisoning
(ix) Causes of food borne diseases
Very much needful.