2023 NTC Exams: Likely ICT(JHS) Questions And Answers

The 2023 Teacher Licensure Examination(NTC Exams) will begin on 13th September, 2023. Here are some likely Information and Communication Technology (ICT) – JHS questions and answers for candidates.
1. The process of converting a system specification into an executable system in software development occurs at the……. stage of the development process.
A. implementation
B. design
C. requirement
D. specification
2. Given the IP address, what class is the address?
A. Class A
B. Class B
C. Class C
D. Class D
Structure Of 2023 Subject Based Ghana Teacher Licensure Examination
3. The major functions of the mouse can be categorized into the following except
A. dragging and dropping
B. selecting/highlighting
C. opening programs
D. typing
4. Double-clicking on a folder on the desktop…
A. opens the folder
B. highlights the folder
C. brings up a drop-down menu
D. deletes the folder
5. Which of these statements does not describe a characteristic of the waterfall model?
A. Cost of production of documents are considerably low
B. Requires documentation at each stage of the development cycle
C. Iterations are permitted between process activities
D. Iterations are permitted at the end of the development cycle
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6. Which of the following statements identifies the five steps in web publishing?
A. Plan the website; design the website; create the website; host the website; maintain the website
B. Load plug-ins; deploy the website; maintain the website; update the website; upgrade the web server
C. Plan, analyze, and design the website; plan and purchase servers and server software; create and deploy the website; test the website for both commercial and consumer use; modify the website based on analytics developed through the website used.
D. Plan the website; design the website; create and deploy the website; update the website; create usage
7. Analyze the pseudo-code and determine the output if a student obtains a score of 101 in a test. If student’s grade is greater than or equal to 60, Print “Student has Passed” else Print “Student has Failed”
A. Passed
B. Failed
C.There will be no output
D. Indefinite operation
8. Given the algorithm below, 1. Initialize sum = 0 2. Enter the numbers 3. Add them and store the result in sum 4. Print sum How many process and I/O symbols will be needed to draw a flowchart?
A. Two process symbols, two I/O symbols
B. Three process symbols, one I/O symbol
C. Three I/O symbols, one process symbol
D. 4 process symbols, 0 I/O symbol
9. In a typical network, packets are transferred from the source computer to the destination computer. The IPv4 packet transferred from the source computer arrives at the destination computer with the first 8 bits as shown: 01000010. The destination computer discards the packet due to an error in the packets. Compute the minimum number of bytes in the packet header.
A. 16 bytes
B. 32 bytes
C. 20 bytes
D. 64 bytes
1. A
2. B
3. D
4. A
5. A
6. A
7. A
8. A
9. C
Please wasn’t more questions
Please we need Jhs past questions on ICT