2025 BECE Career Technology Mock 2 Questions Set 1

Teachers, Students and Schools can now access sample section B questions (2025 BECE Career Technology) Mock 2 Questions Set 1 for Basic 9 from Education-New Consult.
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ESSAY 1 Hour 15 minutes [60 Marks]
This paper consists of two parts. Part A and Part B. Answer four questions only, two questions from Part A, question 1 (compulsory) and any other one. Answer only two questions from PART B, question 4 (compulsory) and any other one.
[30 MARKS]
Answer two questions only from this part. Question 1 (Compulsory) and any other one.
1. (a) The digram below shows the marking out of a foundation and thickness of wall in setting out the foundation of a building. Use is to answer the questions that follow.
i. List three tools needed to be used for a good marking out. (3 marks)
ii. Write two importance of what is demonstrated in the diagram. (4 marks)
iii. Give two reasons it is important to ensure accuracy when marking out the foundation of a building. (4 marks)
(b) Explain the following injury terms
i. Scald (2 marks)
ii. Fracture (2 marks)
2. (a) You find yourself in a room with poor air circulation. What two steps would you take to avoid suffocation? (2 marks)
(b) Jane has been asked to prepare a formal dining table for a family gathering.
i. How would she describe table setting? (2 marks)
ii. What three items would you use? (3 mark)
(c) You are sewing a skirt that needs some gathers. What are three basic methods you could use to arrange the fullness of the fabric? (6 marks)
(d) While sewing a dress, what two factors would you consider before deciding on the best method to arrange fullness in the fabric? (2 marks)
3. (a) You are the first to arrive at an accident scene. How would you explain what First Aid? (2 marks)
(b) Your school’s sanitation prefect is responsible for restocking a First Aid box. What three essential items would he ensure are included? (3 marks)
(c) Ama is preparing yam and stew for four guests. How would she plan the portion control using the following guide? State two each.
i. List the required ingredients (2 marks)
ii. Serving instructions (2 marks)
(d) i. A student is exploring careers in career technology. How would you explain two potential career options available in this field? (4 marks)
ii. While preparing a meal in a food laboratory, which two items would you use as garnishes to enhance the presentation? (2 marks)
READ: Solve the following 2024 BECE Career Technology Questions
We hope these 2025 BECE Career Technology Mock 2 Questions Set 1 are useful to you.