8 Tips For Teachers and Schools Who Want to Score 100% in 2024 BECE

What schools and teachers must do to help students pass the 2024 BECE easily… This is a must-read.
We are in another BECE examination year, and schools need to get their 2024 BECE candidates in the right shape academically for the WAEC-administered exam scheduled for July 2024. The methods and tips shared here are not in any book or exam passing strategy anywhere.
There are my own tips that help my students excel at the BECE year after year from 2009 to 2019 in English, Social Studies, and BDT. These tips can also be applied at home by students and their parents to help the candidate.
In this post, the Education-News Consult will share with stakeholders who want to help their candidates pass the BECE with excellent results what needs to be done.
You may be an experienced teacher or a school with a history that has prepared so many candidates for the examination over the years, but this post would still be very relevant to you if you want to improve your school’s result and that of your candidates in 2024 without depending on any illegal examination tactics.
Parents and students would also find this post very useful to them.
8 Tips For Teachers and Schools Who Want to Score 100% in 2024 BECE
The 2024 BECE And What Schools and Teachers Must Do to Help Students Pass Easily
#1. The leadership of schools should meet the teachers who will be preparing the BECE candidates early when school reopens to discuss and share preparation strategies and plans for the examination year. Head teachers must unite their teachers and make them see the examination preparation as a team effort for teachers. Leaders of schools should encourage collaboration among teachers.
#2. Teachers should not wait for a month or so before they start revising Form 1 topics with their candidates.
Revision of JHS1 and JHS2 topics in all subjects should start in the first term of January 2024 and continue week after week until the exam is near. This requires a timetable of topics and sections of the topics to be covered each week. Teachers should draw a topic table covering all the weeks in the term. These topics should be revised during extra-class periods. One of the lessons per week during contact hours can also be dedicated to revising these topics.
#3. The revision of topics should not be another lecture period.
Do not lecture students when revising topics. Instead, before each revision, the teacher should prepare a set of questions that, when answered by students with his or her support, will help students not only revise the topics but also know the likely examination questions that can be asked and the kind of answers students are to provide.
#4. Teachers should also guide students to know and practice how to answer questions.
This is one of the major contributors to BECE failure. Students enter the examination hall with all the facts, but since they do not know how to answer questions, they are not able to score good marks.
#5. JHS teachers for all subjects must also engage in frequent dictations.
Oh yes, dictation for JHS 3 students is more important than dictation for Basic 1 learners. Regular dictations will help your students master how to spell the keywords in each topic you teach them.
You can also give them these words to study at home. Be consistent as a teacher with this and reap the results. Once students can spell the keywords in each topic, they will be able to use them in answering such questions, and your work will be easy.
Your marking of exercises, exams, etc. will be fun as well. Teachers would begin to see fewer spelling mistakes when it comes to such words when students undertake classwork, tests, mocks, etc.
The inability of students to spell the keywords that become part of their answers also leads to failure, and dealing with them is key.
As a teacher, identify the keywords for each topic and provide them to students to learn and undertake unannounced spelling exercises in English, Social Studies, RME, and others.
No matter the subject you teach, you can always use this strategy.
READ: 2024 BECE Home and School Mock for Candidates (Register Now)
#6. Put students into groups and give them a topic or a set of questions to discuss during some class sections.
You can give them the topic or questions ahead of time and require that each group present their answers to the class orally.
Every member of the group must speak during this session. Rotate the leadership of each day’s assignment to ensure you get everyone committed at a certain point in time.
#7. Hold conference class sessions
This method demands that you re-arrange the class into a horseshoe form and ask random questions on a given topic. Students are to answer questions orally and loudly enough for other learners to hear. This method is my favourite.
It builds confidence in students, makes them speak out, takes away the usual class arrangements, and helps learners learn from each other.
Your explanations during the conference class sections make the class even more interesting.
If you realize students are calling for your conference class over and over again, it is a sign that they are enjoying it and are learning more in that way. You can also teach new topics or do your revisions using this approach.
#8: Hold a special definition and explanation of key terms and words session with your learners.
During this, students explain terms, define them, and explain processes. For English teachers, this can be used to discuss with students the features of the various composition types. An example is the features of formal letters.
Allow your students to take turns explaining the features and how they are important to the essay they want to write. Also, permit students to tell you the marks allocated for the specific features.
You can also break the essays into the marking scheme format and practice each format with the students during a section.
For instance, students can practice how to write the address, date, salutation, and introduction to a formal letter and then do the same for several formal letters. Use this approach for all formal letters, and help your students to master the features of each.
The more you do this, the better students get. You can also take an exam and ask students to explain how they will answer the question.
Additional Bonus Tips for Teachers and Schools Who Want to Score 100% in 2024 BECE
READ: Pre Order Our January 2024 Schools BECE Mock Questions and Answers And Pay Only 50%
#9. Reward teachers for good grades in a smart way to boost teacher morale.
Schools must not only be interested in fees and teacher performance, which are expected to reflect in the BECE results. Motivating teachers is key.
Schools should come out with award schemes for teachers who get students ready for the BECE. The award rules and guidelines should be made clear to teachers.
For instance, a teacher gets GHS50.00 for each student that makes 1 in the subject, GHS20 for each student who makes 2 in the subject, and GHS5.00 for grade 3 in the subject.
With this, every teacher will work extra hard to polish their candidates for a showdown in the BECE. Schools that want to excel should consider these.
READ: Buy 2 sets of 2024 BECE School Mock Questions and Answers for ONLY GHS120 instead of GHS600.00
#10. Use Our BECE School and Home Mocks
Schools that want to do well are also encouraged to get some or all their mock questions and answers from Education-News Consult. Our school and Home Mocks are based on our internally projected topics since May 2022.
We have supported schools and parents to get their candidates ready for the BECE and obtain good grades without the need to rely on leaked papers.
We do not believe in Apor; instead, we believe in strategic learning, preparation, and support to make students confidently ready for the BECE and do independent work in the examination.
READ: 2024 BECE Home and School Mock for Candidates (Register Now)
I have no doubt that this post, “2024 BECE and What Schools and Teachers Must Do to Help Students Pass Easily,” has been an eye-opener. These strategies need a dedicated teacher, and you must be consistent to make them part of your routine for the class.