A Speech Writing Guide to BECE 2024 Candidates Plus Questions

This is an English language-related post on “A Speech Writing Guide to BECE 2024 Candidates Plus Questions” If you are ready to learn how to write a speech, keep reading.
The Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) English paper requires candidates to write one English Composition or Essay. One of these is Speech Writing, which can be examined this year.
A Speech writing question at the BECE is one of the simplest essay questions posed to candidates, but sadly, many who attempt it fail to do well. In this article, we will guide candidates through how to answer BECE Speech Writing Questions so that they can score very good marks if they attempt such a question.
We will concentrate on formal speeches which are speeches written and delivered at a formal function such as those written to be read at launching ceremonies, PTA meetings, and school prize-giving days.
A Speech Writing Guide to BECE 2024 Candidates plus Questions
What Are The Features of a Formal Speech?
Every written formal speech at the BECE must have the following features
The title or heading:
The heading of a formal speech must be clear, simple, and cover the key issue the topic is about. It must include the speaker’s name and position, the date and the place.
Let us take a look at the example below.
Do your best to write a title that looks just like the above so that you can earn all the marks for this. Keep it neat, centred, use capital letters throughout and underline with a rule and a pen.
The introduction:
The introduction of the speech requires the use of Vocatives such as ‘Mr. Chairman’, “Ladies and Gentlemen” in addressing the audience. Arrange the top dignitaries at the event from the most important to the list important in your vocative list. And end with ladies and gentlemen. Keep it simple and short. A maximum of five such groups present at the event is ok.
This should be followed by the mentioning of the reasons for the occasion or the speech.
The Body:
The body is the message itself. Identify the key issues you are going to talk about and write about them in paragraphs. Use connectives (conjunctions, prepositions or adverbs) to start and link points explained. Use vocatives such as Mr. Chairman/ Ladies and Gentlemen once in a while when starting a main point or issue of importance.
Note that the use of connectives helps the examiner who is reading your essay understand the points you are putting across. These help you score good marks.
The conclusion:
To write a good conclusion, summarize the key issues you raided, your expectations of the audience etc., and also express your sincere appreciation to the audience for their attention
Examples of expressions you can use to say thank you are.
“Thank you for listening” or “Thank you very much for listening to me all this while”. Thanks for your audience and presence on this august occasion.
Do well to
- Vary the sentence structure.
- Use the active voice and avoid passive sentences.
- Repeat keywords and points.
- Ask rhetorical questions in a way that attracts your listeners’ attention.
- Use personal experiences and examples if any to help bolster your points and help you connect with the audience.
Candidates who follow this basic advice in addition to what their teachers have taught them can blow Speech related English compositions so easily.
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A Speech Writing Guide to BECE 2024 Candidates plus Questions
Try these questions now.
- Write a speech to be delivered at your school’s PTA meeting on “Why parents must pay their ward’s fees”
- As the school prefect, write a speech to be delivered at Ghana’s 2023 Independence Anniversary on the theme “Why government must pay teachers well”
- You are acting as the head teacher of your school for one week, write a speech you will deliver to parents as a head teacher on the theme “The role of parents towards their wards education”
READ: How to write formal letters and articles to editors: BECE, WASSCE 2024
Good luck…
Source: Ghana Education News
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