August 2022 BECE Home Mock Questions (English Language Paper 2)
The questions below are some of the nationwide August 2022 BECE Home Mock Questions (English Language) from the Ghana Education News Home Mock. The questions cover section B or paper 2 only.
This includes Composition or Essay Questions, Comprehension, and Literature.
Answer three questions in all: one question from Part A and all the questions in both Parts B and C.
August 2022 BECE Home Mock Questions (English Language Paper 2)
PART A PAPER 2 – [30 marks] – Answer one question only from this part.
Your composition should be about 250 words long. Time Allotted for the paper is 1 hour for Parts A and B. Objective Test 35 minutes.
Credit will be given for clarity of expression and orderly presentation of material.
- As the outgoing school prefect of your school, write a speech you will deliver at the school’s 5th graduation ceremony under the theme “dangers of student indiscipline”
Write an article for publication in your school magazine titled “Effects of Covid-19 on students in Ghana”
Describe how your favourate meal is prepared.
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August 2022 BECE Home Mock Questions (English Language Paper 2): PART B – COMPREHENSION
Question 4
Read the following passage carefully and answer all the questions which follow.
My husband was a hunter and farmer. He had told me and our four children of his hunting experience. We all agreed with him that he was a brave man when he was young. But he always said,” I was a brave man and I still am. It had rained one evening. So after super that day our three boys Baba, Sule and Aminu and our only daughter, Asaana joined me in our only bedroom in the house. Later Papa Goro also came in.
Papa Goro started telling us about snakes. One day, he had to give his leg to a python to swallow up to his knee. He then cut the reptile open with his hunting knife. “Snakes,” he said” are the creatures I don’t fear at all. I’ve killed more than a hundred of them.
I often catch the small ones and hold their necks tight until they die. “We were all surprised. But just before he finished the last sentence, Asaana, who was sitting nearest the bed, suddenly shot up and ran to her father shouting” snake, snake!” We were frightened.
Papa Goro, kill it! Kill it! Please, ” I shouted, drawing backwards and further away from the spot which Asaana was pointing to. Baba dashed out of the room. Just then, I turned to look at Papa Goro. There he was stood right on the bed with Asaana clinging to him. I was surprised when he shouted,” Sule, kill that snake or I am not coming down from this bed! Papa Goro was shivering all over. I could not move because our young son Aminu, was also clinging to me.
To my relief, Baba, the oldest of my children, returned with a stick. He started looking under the bed for the snake. He saw something and ready to strike. Then he lowered the stick. He stretched his hand and picked up something from under the bed. It was Papa Goro’s belt! It had fallen from the nail on which he normally hung it behind the door.
It was difficult to make Papa Goro come down from the bed. When he finally did, he was sweating all over. There was a loud silence. To end with the story, Baba asked , but Papa, if you were indeed never afraid of snakes, how could a belt have frightened you so much?” We burst into laughter.
Then he replied,” Look, it is one thing seeing a snake in the bush and another thing seeing a snake in your bedroom.! But, anyway, you didn’t hear well. I told you I used to be brave; I used not to fear snakes. Now I am old, and things have changed. I am now a retired brave man.
To this day, the children jokingly call him” Papa Goro, R.B.M.” Retired Brave Man. And he replied,” That’s me!”
August 2022 BECE Home Mock Questions (English Language Paper 2)
Comprehension Questions
a. What as the occupation of Papa Goro?
b. What strange things did Papa Goro tell the family he did as a hunter?
c. From the passage give two things Papa Goro did /say to show he was afraid.
d. What are the three things Papa Goro said to prove he is no longer brave?
e. Provide one word that can replace each of the following words in the passage.
i. Surprised
ii. Dashed out
iii. frightened.
iv. Afraid
v. Strike
vi. clinging
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- Questions 5(a) and 5 (b) are based on the bridged and simplified version of Ama Ata Aidoo’s The Dilemma of a Gost.
AMA ATA AIDOO – The Dilemma of a Ghost
EULAILIE: What do you mean? What rubbish? If you think I am going to sleep with those creatures, then you are kidding yourself (Page 52)
a. [i] What creatures is Eulalie referring to?
b. [ii] The tone of Eulalie in the extract above is ……..
Read the following extract carefully and answer 5 (b)
AKYERE: Who does not know that she smokes cigarettes? And who has not heard that she can cut a drink as well as any man? (Page 68)
[b] State two literary deices that have been used in the extract above.
(c ) The dominant mood in the poem is ………………………
(d) The wooden box in the poem symbolizes …………………
Read the following extract carefully and answer question 5 (e )
“Suddenly, she heard some commotion in the yard” (Pg 85)
(e ) What was the commotion about?
Read the following extract carefully and answer question 5 (f)
August 2022 BECE Home Mock Questions (English Language Paper 2)
“ I sat at the foot of the bed and read to myself while I waited for it to be
time to give another capsule” (Page 87)
(f) The literary device that is used in the underlined expression in the extract is …..
LADE WOSORNU: Desert Rivers
Read the extract below carefully and answer question 5 (g)
“If you cannot see our tears
It does not mean we do not cry”
(Page 15)
(g) The dominant feeling that the extract shows is …………………………….
Read the following extract carefully and answer question 5(h)
The Dream in my mind” (Page 100)
(h) What does the underlined expression in the extract refers to? ……………….
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We hope this August 2022 BECE Home Mock Questions (English Language Paper 2) shared will help candidates to revise better.