2 thoughts on “Don’t expect 2024 WASSCE results this year – WAEC

  1. Then if the exam body can’t no longer operate the better to stop than subjecting to the money owned by the government. However, by all standards, the money will be pay later by the government and by then those students who wanted to use the results to enter tertiary institution this academic year will automatically going to be affected which cannot be corrected by WAEC again. I may say the exam body is trying to sabotage the Nana Addo government just for their parochial interest. I rest my case. Thanks.

    1. You sound like those who are part of the big problem of this nation. You are refusing to think outside the box. Common sense has it that businesses or firms need money to run. How can WAEC perform its duties when you buy all its services on credit and refuse to pay. I am disappointed in your submission.

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