ECG Disconnects Lights From Accra Academy Over Debt
The Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG) has disconnects lights from Accra Academy SHS over supposed neglected unpaid debts. The school’s teachers have approached the ECG to reestablish the power supply, communicating worries for the security of the students and the expected effect on teaching and learning.
ECG Disconnects Lights From Accra Academy Over Debt
A teacher, who has worked at the school for north of 31 years, portrayed the disconnection as the “saddest day” in his career. He said he got a call from a colleague telling him that ECG personnel were on campus to disconnect the school because of outstanding debt.
The teacher expressed that the school isn’t answerable for the payment, and it is the teachers remaining on campus who have been impacted by the disconnection, as they are on prepaid meters. With roughly 3,000 students presently in school, the teacher communicated stress over the circumstance and who might be considered responsible assuming that any damage occurs to the students.
The teacher also said that they spoke to the ECG personnel, who professed to have been told by higher authorities to do the disconnection, in spite of not realizing the specific sum owed.
The school put forth attempts to forestall the disconnection, however their requests went unheard. The teacher made an appeal for the heads of the ECG, highlighting the presence of students in schools and how they need not be exposed to such treatment. He encouraged the ECG to reevaluate their activities and do what is essential.
Another unknown teacher communicated profound worry about the circumstance, depicting it as a remarkable occasion in his teaching career. He found out about the appearance of ECG officials from a colleague and their goal to disconnect the power because of outstanding debts.
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In spite of supplications and endeavors at discussion, the ECG officials, who professed to be from the head office, stayed firm in their mandate to disconnect the power.