ECG’s inefficiency frustrates customers with problematic Prepaid Meters

The Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG) continues to frustrate customers with its problematic Prepaid Meters, which have stopped functioning, causing distress for customers.
For the past three months, the ECG mobile payment App has not been working. This has compelled residents in areas where these meters have been installed to frequently visit vendors to check their credit consumption, which is inconvenient.
The introduction of the ECG mobile payment App was supposed to be a time saver, an efficient and convenient way of buying power anywhere and at any time, but this has not been the case in the last 90 days or so.
In most cases, the lights trip off when units get finished, and it takes a long time for power to be restored. In many instances, it takes over 6 hours before power is restored, even if a customer purchasing units within a short time.
The only way customers can be updated is through periodical text messages from ECG, but messages don’t come any more.
Information drives decision-making however, accessibility to the needed response from ECG is a luxury ECG mobile payment App users do not currently have.
An attempt to buy power or to check updates on the app gives the feedback “Loading consumption information” and that ends as no information is provided by the app.
ECG’s inefficiency frustrates customers with problematic Prepaid Meters.
Customers complain about the inactive ECG office hotlines whenever they call for an inquiry, and these lines are still inactive for many months.
Customers who wish to get to the head office will have to join very long queues to pay bills. Users of the current Prepaid Meters did not opt for these meters to be frustrated by a public service provider like ECG. The poor customer service practices by the ECG experienced daily by consumers can no longer be tolerated.
READ: Criminal Acts Ongoing at ECG by Public Servants – The purse is empty
ECG must come out and speak to the hundreds of thousands of its ECG mobile payment App users and fix the current challenges with the speed and urgency it demands, or replace the pre-paid meters with post-paid meters for consumers to end the stressful experiences of users the ECG is unable to deal with.
Customers must not beg for efficient service delivery, it must be offered by ECG with the intention to become efficient, reliable, and effective at providing quality services.