English Language Questions To Practice For WASSCE

2024 WASSCE Core Mathematics: Likely Objective Questions
In few months time, the 2024 English Language WASSCE paper will be written. Here are some likely questions set for candidates to practice.
1. A group of related sentences which expresses one main idea is known as a____
A. controlling idea.
B. major supporting detail.
C. paragraph
D. topic sentence.
2. The main function of literature is to..…
A. help to reform society.
B. entertain and teach
C. inform us about foreign cultures.
D. teach us the correct use of language.
3. Which of these takes place at the post-writing stage?
A. Brainstorming and freewriting
B. Drafting and revising
C. Proofreading and editing
D. Rewriting and composing
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4. The students hardly take the advice we give to them, …….?
A. do they
B. had they
C. don’t they
D. hadn’t they
5. The cost of goods and services in many countries…. rapidly these days.
A. has increased
B. have increased
C. were increasing
D. are increasing
WASSCE English Language Questions
6. The students _________ examples from the book to support their argument.
A. cited
B. sighted
C. sited
D. sitted
7. The man saw a ………. house in the village.
A. little modern white
B. little white modern
C. white little modern
D. modern little white
8. Arrange the following sentences into a coherent paragraph:
I. For instance, body language – how we stand, sit, and move – carries messages.
II. We also send messages by how close or far we stand from a person we’re talking to.
III. Our nonverbal communication can often be as important as what we say.
IV. If you went to a job interview, for instance, would you put your feet up on the desk?
V. If a person is standing too close to you, chances are he or she wants to become intimate with you.
A. I, II, III, IV and V
B. II, I, III, V and IV
C. III, I, IV, II and V
D. V, III, I, IV and II
9. Two traders were quarrelling in the market. They were insulting each other using similes. Which of the following sentences could have been spoken by one of them?
A. Your face is as narrow as the road to Accra
B. You are a witch. I repeat you are a witch.
C. You ate up all the children in your womb.
D. Your stomach is the playground of children.
10. The English consonant sound /p/ in ‘play’, potable’ and ‘pentameter’ is realized by moving two articulators together, thereby forming a stricture that does not allow air to escape through the vocal tract at the first stage and then releasing the air to escape suddenly resulting in a plosive noise. This way of describing this consonant sound is known as…
A. manner of articulation
B. place of articulation.
C. phonation.
D. phonological process.
1. C
2. B
3. C
4. A
5. A
6. A
7. A
8. C
9. A
10. A