Fear of Examination: Why do some students fear examination?
Fear of Examination: Why do some students fear examinations? The word ‘examination’ is associated with a lot of negative thoughts and feelings. Students fear that they won’t be able to answer the questions, they will look stupid in front of their peers, and they might fail or even get expelled from the college if they fail in any examination.
Fear of Examination: Why do some students fear examinations?
Students fear examinations because of the time factor too. They feel that if there are so many subjects in an examination, how can one expect them to score well? The fear of exams is a common phenomenon among students appearing for various examinations throughout their academic careers.
The fear of examination among students may vary from one student to another depending upon various factors, like their past experiences with examinations, age, and other psychological factors affecting them at that particular moment in time.
However, no matter how strong your apprehensions about an upcoming examination may be, you must never let them control you and prevent you from giving your best shot on that day. Here are some tips on how you can overcome your fears and perform well in your next exam:
Take a comfortable break before the examination.
The big day of the examination is near. You are all set to face it, but you are a bit anxious and worried about the examination. So your first step is to take a break and relax before the exam. The exam is not the time to get into a panic. Instead, you should try to get yourself in a better state of mind and calm down a bit before you take the exam. You can do this by taking a break and relaxing, reading some comics, listening to some songs, or watching some videos on YouTube. You can also try out some breathing exercises online or by reading some relevant books available on your shelves. This will help you calm down and get into the examination with a positive mindset.
Pick an end date for your preparation.
While it is true that no one can prepare for an examination in a single stretch of time, it does help if you pick an end date for your preparation. This will help you plan for the amount of time you will spend on each subject and will also help you decide whether you need more time for a particular subject or not. It is always recommended to devote at least 2 hours to each subject. While it is true that you can score well even if you spend only 5 minutes on any subject, you will definitely fail if you do not spend any time on a particular subject. If you want to score well in all the subjects, you must devote 2 hours to each subject. Another important tip is to never skip a subject in your preparation. If you are short on time, you can always skip a particular subject and come back to it later. However, you must never skip a subject in your preparation, as this will definitely affect your final results.
Be organised and structured before the exam.
If you want to perform well in an examination, you must be organised and structured. This will help you plan your time, mark the topics, and also create a study schedule. If you are not organised, it will be really hard for you to concentrate on the topics during the examination. So before your examination, try to organise your books, papers, pens, pencils, pencil sharpener, etc. in the correct order. You should also have a study schedule, which will help you plan your time and topics for the examination. A study schedule can be anything from writing on a piece of paper the topics you will cover during the examination to creating a study schedule using software.
Don’t procrastinate; just get started immediately.
Even if you have been preparing for the examination for a month, you must not waste your time by procrastinating. If you procrastinate, you will never get started. So once you have made up your mind to start preparing for the examination, you must not wait for a favourable moon or any other external factor to get you started. Instead, you should immediately start preparing for your examination. If you have been procrastinating, you can always take a break and come back to it after a while. But if you have been making excuses to yourself, you must not wait any further. You must immediately get started on your preparation.
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Talk to your friends and family about your fears.
There are chances that you might be hiding your fears from your friends and family. But this is absolutely counterproductive. If you are hiding your fears from them, they will be more worried about you and may try to force you to get into a counselling room. This is not at all advisable. Instead, you must talk to them about your fears and let them help you get over them. If you stay silent about your fears, there is a high chance that you will get over them by yourself. You must not wait for external factors to help you get over your fears. Instead, you must get over them on your own. Your friends and family can help you a lot in this regard. They will definitely be proud of you if they know that you have been overcoming your fears by yourself.
There are many students who fear the examination. They are afraid that they will not be able to answer the questions, they will look stupid in front of their peers, and they might fail or even get expelled from the college if they fail in any examination. In addition to this, students fear examinations because of the time factor. They feel that if there are so many subjects in an examination, how can one expect them to score well? The fear of examinations is a common phenomenon among students appearing for various examinations throughout their academic careers. The fear of examination among students may vary from one student to another depending upon various factors, like their past experiences with examinations, age, and other psychological factors affecting them at that particular moment in time. However, no matter how strong your apprehensions about an upcoming examination may be, you must never let them control you and prevent you from giving your best shot on that day. Here are some tips on how you can overcome your fears and perform well in your next exam.