GES extends instructions hour across all public schools

Ghana Education News| August 2021| GES extends instruction hours across all public schools
The Ghana Education Service has extended instructional hours at the public school level to 8 hours a day.
This takes effect on Monday 23rd August 2021 according to a letter sighted by and signed by the New Juabeng Municipal Director of Ghana Education Service (GES), Victor deGradt-Etsison.
The said letter was addressed to all Heads of public schools indicating that schools will now start classes at 8:00 hours GMT and close at 15.00 hours.
This new directive implies public basic schools will now spend 7 hours in school which will help ensure more contact hours and lessons per day are attained.
However, prior to this notice, most schools in the cities increased the instructional hours depending on their peculiar needs to ensure learners benefit in the long run.
Notwithstanding the paragraphs above, all Heads of schools are to continue to ensure the strict observance of the COVID-19 Protocols in their schools.
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According to the GES director of the municipality, the Directorate will meet stakeholders in the schools that are operating the shift system at the Primary level as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak for further discussion.
The discussions are expected to bother on how to run the schools to ensure effective teaching and learning without promoting the spread of COviD-19 and its third wave.
NEW UPDATE: Withdraw extension of instructional hours for basic schools – GES told
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The GES at the national level is yet to state its position on the new directive which has been given to teachers by the New Juabeng Municipal Director of Ghana Education Service (GES).