GES New Retirement Directives for Staff Released
The Ghana Education Service (GES) New Retirement Directives for Staff has released to ensure data accuracy for its employees.
GES New Retirement Directives for Staff
In a letter to all its regional directives, it said, it has identified conflicting dates of births on records of the GES records and the Social Security and National Insurance Trust (SSNIT).
It furthered that the GES has taken notes of rulings by CHRAJ relating to the dates of birth of some staff.
According to the GES, Teacher Unions have also raised concerns on the matter.
To help resolve the anomalies, the GES has directed that
- The service will use the date of birth of staff in its database to retire teachers and not what they have on the records of SSNIT.
- The Date of birth of its staff on the records of SSNIT will not be used to correct the date of birth of a GES staff in the records of the service.
ALSO READ: How your SSNIT retirement (pension) benefit is calculated
According to the Ghana Education Service, it shall not be liable for any issues that arise out of SSNIT’s decisions relating to the conflicting dates of births.
Per the above GES New Retirement Directives for Staff, the teaching and non-teaching staff of the GES must take proactive and concrete steps to ensure anomalies between the two state institutions data on their dates of birth are rectified.