Ghana Education News Now On Google News: Check how to use it

Ghana Education News is excited to announce to its cherished readers that your favourite education blog is now on Google News. This feat goes to cement the quality work our team continues to do at the back end to ensure we serve you nothing but quality, credible and useful content.
This also means that you do not need to wait for a prompt or the content being shared on social media before you can get to know and read them. All you need is to download and install the Google News App from Google Play Store or App Store. Search and add Ghana Education News to your favourate or click on the following to add it. It will populate the latest publications on your phone or desktop or laptop each time you go to Google News
- Open the Google Play Store app on your Android device.
- Search for Google News.
- Locate and tap the entry by Google.
- Tap Install.
- Allow the installation to complete.
- Go to the settings and look for the big plus button on the right button on your phone, click on it and type Ghana Education News
- Follow the process to pick Ghana Education News.
READ: Download Ghana Education News App On Google Play Store for Fast Updates
The alternative is for you to install our app. DOWNLOAD oUR APP >>> GEN -APP
The name of the App is Ghana Education News. We welcome your reviews, comments, and suggestions.
For the best in Education News in Ghana and accurate updates always visit our website, and social media handles, or download our application and keep connected.
We will continue to innovate and listen to our cherished readers to ensure we serve nothing but credible, accurate, and reliable education-related content.