Goldsmiths Masters in Law Fee Waiver
Goldsmiths LLM Fee Waiver is a 20% fee waiver for alumni of any Goldsmiths department. This value will be added to the existing 10% alumni fee waiver, making it a total fee waiver of 30% of the home student fees.
International students are also eligible, and the value of the award will be equal to 30% of home student fees. Exclusions and adjustments based on other awards held may apply.
About Goldsmiths University of London
Benefits of Goldsmiths Masters in Law Fee Waiver
This is a 20% fee waiver for alumni of any Gold smiths department. This value will be added to the existing 10% alumni fee waiver, making it a total fee waiver of 30% of the home student fees.
International students are also eligible, and the value of the award will be equal to 30% of home student fees.
Goldsmiths University of London Masters Scholarship Courses
Requirements for Goldsmiths Masters in Law Fee Waiver
How to Apply
Application Deadline
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