Ho Airport Is Causing Financial Loss To The State – Dennis Miracles Aboagye Says

The Director of Local Government and Decentralization at the Office of the President, Dennis Miracles Aboagye has revealed that the current airport at the Volta regional capital, Ho is causing financial loss to the state.
According to him, most airlines do not want to do business to the route as it will cause them loss. For this reason, the airport is usually running at a loss.
“The Ho Airport that was built by the previous National Democratic Congress (NDC) adminstration is now a white elephant that is causing financial loss to the state” he said.
He stated that when the project was being built, a lot of people advised against it but the then government refused to listen and went ahead with its construction.

He made this point to justify the National Cathedral project which he said will have economic benefits to the state because it will be self-financing when completed.
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He added “$25million dollars was spent at the time the people of Ho did not have a market. At the time the airport was going to be built a lot of people asked economic question why they were going to put the airport there.
“Togbe Afede advised that half of the money for the Ho Airport should be used to construct the road to Ho but it was not listened to and today, that Airport is a white elephant.”
He stressed “the Ho airport was built at a time this country had dumsor, this county had a health insurance that was near collapsed, this country at that had 88 districts without hospitals.
“The construction of the airport had economic value, the same way the cathedral has economic value.”
He stressed “Ho Airport is causing financial loss to the state. Passion Air flew there for only one month and decided not to go again.”