How BECE 2021 graduates can select schools & avoid missing placement

Have you attempted to find out how 2021 BECE graduates can avoid missing placement through the smart school selection process?
The examination is over and the next thing candidates will do from Monday 22nd November is the school selection. Wrong school selection and programme selection can be stressful if the candidate is not placed in any of the preferred schools selected. The release of school placement results for BECE candidates always comes with stress and disappointment for students, parents and schools.
To help reduce the situation where BECE 2021 candidates whose school placements is projected to be released in 2022 candidates do not get placed in any of the schools they select, the Ghana Education Service (GES) has introduced three 2021 BECE School Selection.
They include the number of schools to be selected, Category D schools now include boarding schools as well and School categories have increased to F thus A-F
However, students, parents and teachers need to be extra careful in making choices for candidates to ensure candidates get placed in one of the schools they choose.
If you are a candidate, a teacher, a school or a parent of a BECE candidate, you should be interested in
How BECE 2021 Candidates Can Avoid Missing School Placement.
Below are some suggested steps you can take now to ensure your ward is placed in a prefered school. Take these suggestions very seriously as a candidate or parent or guardian.
- Choose schools the candidate would fit in by considering his or her academic performance and strength. Avoid using taste and preference.
- Choose programmes that the student can study along with the school that matches his or her MOCK grades and intellectual strength. If the student is weak in Science, do not opt for science programmes because the competition for placement is keener with Science followed by Business irrespective of the school.
- Opt for day schools instead of boarding schools in top schools if your ward’s academic strength matches such schools and if your residence is closer to the school. This will increase the chances of the student gaining admission.
- When making school selections, get support from the teachers of your ward. They know the candidate better and can offer excellent advice based on their past experiences with previous candidates.
- Know that, it is not compulsory to select your first choice from category A which is often first-class schools with the full complement of school infrastructure. This is one of the best ways to avoid stiff competition. Danger looms when a candidate decides to select for instance Pressec Legon, or Accra Academy knowing very well that his or her raw score in the last three mocks arranges between 320 and 250.
The competition will make it a near impossibility for such a candidate to gain admission to these schools as many other candidates who opt for these schools obtain scores of not less than 350 even for Visual Arts and General Arts.
READ: No BECE cut-off point must stop now, it is destroying Basic Education
How BECE 2021 candidates can avoid missing placement through accurate school selection and choices is an integrated effort of all stakeholders and not the sole responsibility of parents.
Parents who insist that their wards choose very competitive schools when they do not know the academic strength or their wards need to put a stop to it if they are to avoid the stress that comes with looking for a school through the self-placement system of the computerised school selection system.
The 2021 School Selection is not a try your luck activity, any attempt to gamble will negatively impact the placement of candidates when they are released in 2022. One mistake and your ward miss all the schools he or she opted for.
2021 School Selections and School placement questions:
- How 2021 BECE graduates can avoid missing placement through the smart school selection process?
- What are the best approaches for selecting or choosing a secondary school in Ghana?
- What is the guide to Secondary school choices and selection for BECE graduates?
- Can I choose just any school as a BECE graduate?
We believe that the questions above have all been answered in this article.
Share and leave your questions and comments.
Please, thank you people for giving me this knowledge for me to choose my school wisely.
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