How to answer BECE & WASSCE SOCIAL STUDIES questions

Do you know How to answer BECE & WASSCE SOCIAL STUDIES questions the right way? Keep reading.
Students always score low marks in their examinations due to their inability to answer questions very well. In this article, we shall provide tips on how BECE & WASSCE SOCIAL STUDIES questions are answered for more marks.
Below are summaries explaining how questions are answered for more marks in Social Studies. Ensure that where there are diagrams or sketches that will aid you to provide full answers, you will be adding more marks to your score if you draw them neatly. Learn how to sketch and draw these diagrams as part of your preparation for the examination.
Candidates who want to do well in other courses can also apply the recommendations given here
How BECE & WASSCE SOCIAL STUDIES questions: How to answer BECE & WASSCE SOCIAL STUDIES questions
Suggestion 1
Where the question demands that you outline or give an account and the marks allocated to the question range between (12-20 marks). The question demands that you give a detailed and convincing explanation.
Outline the role of agriculture in the economic development of Ghana.
- Define the topic
- Write an introduction with answers
- Explain answers in a paragraph with examples
- Conclude essay
Suggestion 2
Explain; describe (12- 20 marks)
Such a question must be carefully attempted by ensuring the answers provide cover the following.
Explain how laws are made in Ghana by parliament (14 marks)
- Define the topic
- Write an introduction with answers
- Explain answers in a paragraph with examples
- Conclude essay
Suggestion 3
Questions that demand candidates to Suggest (12-20 marks)
E.g. Suggest four ways by which Ghana’s development problems can be addressed ((12 marks)
- Define the topic
- Write an introduction with answers
- Explain answers in a paragraph with examples
- Conclude essay
Suggestion 4
In what way questions – (12-20marks)
- Define the topic
- Write introduction with answers
- Explain answers in a paragraph with examples
- Conclude essay
Suggestion 5
List, name (1-6 marks) – This Question Only Requests Mere Mention Of Answers.
Eg. List any six planets
Suggestion 6
State, mention (2-10 marks) – Answers must be in sentences that explain the facts and support with examples if any.
Eg. Mention five duties of parents in the upbringing of their children.
Suggestion 7
Define (2 marks) – Definition the term fully and give examples and types to earn the full mark.
A What is with (4 marks) to score must be answered very well.
To obtain the full marks for the question, ensure the answer provided covers the following.
- Define the term
- Explain definition briefly
- Give examples and types
BECE and WASSCE candidates who follow this suggested approach to answering Social Studies Questions are better placed to excel in their examinations. Put these How to answer BECE & WASSCE SOCIAL STUDIES questions into practice and get the results you deserve.
READ: BECE 2022 Social Studies Questions & Answers for Candidates -Set 4
This article has answered all the Frequently Asked Questions on Social Studies and BECE and WASSCE as follows
How BECE & WASSCE SOCIAL STUDIES questions are answered
How to answer BECE questions
How to answer Social Studies Questions
How to Answer WASSCE questions
How to Answer WASSCE Social Studies Questions