38 thoughts on “How to Apply for NAGRAT and MTN Data Bundle for Teachers

  1. I purchased the bundle since Friday and it’s Monday but still not received what can be the problem

  2. I have purchased the bundle and is past 72 hours buh have still not received it yet please… Who should I contact for check up please?

    1. Ensure that, the grace period has not expired pls. This was published weeks ago. Kindly contact your district officers for any issues such as this…

      1. Please who can I contact in other to get to understand the reason why my Nagrat bundle that was purchased since Saturday has not been received.

  3. I’ve purchased bundle for about 1 month now the bundle is not in. Can I please get the voice call help line here?

  4. For 2 weeks now, I have been trying to purchase data bundle but this the feedback I always get ” no bill found with reference…..”

  5. I’ve purchased the bundle last Saturday but haven’t received it. Please can you helps us to find the right person for assistance

  6. I bought the bundle since 4th October up till now I haven’t received it yet please how can you help me to get it

  7. I bought the bundle since 20th October up till now I haven’t received it yet please how can you help me to get it
    I made payment of 54gh

  8. Please I want you to help me to register me so I can use my phone number to afford the nagrat bundle please help me and how can I get it

  9. Whenever i dial the Nagrat bundle code, the feedback is always service is unavailable. What’s the way forward please

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