How To Check 2021 NovDec Exam Centers, Index Numbers and Print
In this article, we explain in clear language how NOV/DEC 2021 candidates can check their 2021 NovDec Index number as well as their Exam Centres for the Private WASSCE.
How to Check your NovDec Index Number
Step 1: Log into WAEC Registration Portal with the link provided >>> CHECK MY NOV-DEC INDEX/EXAM CENTRE
Step 2: In the space provided, enter your registration invoice number and click on the Fetch Index Sheet.
This should help you see your index number.
Now, 2021 Nov/Dec candidates will write their examinations at various centres hence the need for candidates to know their respective centres to commute there each day of the examination and on time.
Some candidates will have to visit their examination centres at least a day before the examination to be conversant with the transportation route to avoid lateness on the examination day.
For this reseason, we have provided a simple step-by-step procedure for candidates to find or check and print their 2021 Novdec Centers.
How To Check 2021 NovDec Exam Centers and Print
If you are a Private WASSCE candidate in Ghana and want to know how to check 2021 Novdec Centers and print, follow the steps below.
1. log in to WAEC Registration Portal >>> CHECKING MY EXAM CENTRE NOW
In case you visit the registration portal through the link provided and there are warnings, ignore them by clicking “ignore warning”
2. Provide the following details are required on the portal:
a. Accurate Invoice or Index Number.
b. Candidate’s Name as used in the registration.
c.Date Of Birth (day/month/year) : (e.g 02/05/2000
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Invoice / Index Number : | |
Candidate Name : | |
Date Of Birth (day/month/year) : | (e.g 02/05/2000) |
3. When you are sure that all the details you have entered are correct, click the CONTINUE button to proceed.
Once you click on Continue, the portal will show your 2021 NovDec Exam Centres.4. You can print, save it on your device or take screenshots of your 2021 novdec centers.
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You may contact us at any of our Offices listed below in case you are unable to see your examination centres after going through the above proccess.
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Private Candidates’ Examination Administration Department (PCEAD)
Tel: 0302-686007
The Branch Controller, WAEC, Kumasi
Tel: 03220-34448
The Branch Controller, WAEC, Sekondi
Tel: 03120-46334
The Branch Controller, WAEC, Cape Coast
Tel: 03122-96508
The Branch Controller, WAEC, Ho – 03620-28254
The Branch Controller, WAEC, Koforidua – 03420-20923
The Branch Controller, WAEC, Sunyani – 03520-27016
The Branch Controller, WAEC, Tamale – 03720- 23092
The Branch Controller, WAEC, Bolgatanga – 03820-23232
The Branch Controller, WAEC, Wa – 03920-22278
If the information regarding to the novdec centres is really true that they are out, then countless candidates have problems with it because we tried to check the centres but they were telling us invalid index, DoB or invoice meanwhile most of us registered early. Waec should kindly make things clear for us to avoid doubts
I don’t think the centers are in as stated above, pls kindly let the true fact of this issue.
Whenever you try checking your centers they will tell you: invalid invoice number, DOB meanwhile we are told the centers are in.
Kindly help me