How to Play and Win the Wordle Word Game (Video)

Are you thinking of mastering “How to Play and Win the Wordle Word Game”? The Wordle Word Game has gone viral due to its excellent nature and fun-packed nature. Although the game is simple, it is good at helping you think and use your brain to figure out the words that you need to spell correctly to complete the game.
Today, over 300,000 people play this game online daily, according to The New York Times.
A player can only play the game once a day. The Wordle Word Game is an online game that can be played by anyone on a daily basis. The new crossword-like game has well-explained rules for players on the site.
How to Play and Win Wordle Word Game
- Type your five-letter word and click on the enter button.
- The Wordle Word Game gives every player six chances to guess the five-letter word correctly.
- In case a letter is positioned at the right spot, it will show on the game board in green.
- In an instance where the letter is part of the correct word but is placed at the wrong spot, it will turn yellow.
- Any letter that is not part of the correct word a player wants to find will be shown as Gray.
- When playing the game, a player can only enter up to six words. Thus, you can create five different words using the clue given to help discover the correct placement of the letters.
- Each time a letter is placed correctly in your hint word, it will turn green which will give you a hint as to the word of the day you are to find, or you can try for performance and guess the word of the day in three, two or even one go.
- Continue trying and guessing the correct Wordle Word of the day by discovering all the letters
Note that the word and letters you chose are obscured. All that’s shown is your journey toward the word in a series of yellow, green and gray boxes.
It’s very compelling. If you get it easily, maybe in the second or third try, there’s a gloating element whereby you must show your followers how smart you are and share.
If you get it by the skin of your teeth in the sixth go, that’s also a cool story. But most importantly, the puzzle itself isn’t spoiled.
Where to play the Wordle Word Game
Wordle is a daily word game you can find online here. Start playing the Wordle Word Game now that you have all the facts and compete with the world’s 300,000 daily players.
Tips and tricks for playing the Wordle Word Game
#1. To be successful in playing the game, do well to choose your first word carefully, as this will help improve your opening gambit.
#2. Do your best to choose words that contain three vowels and at least five different letters. Words you can use to guess the correct letter accurately include rotate, roate, adieu, orate, media, and radio. These will help reveal the vowels in the word and make it easy for you to make an accurate final guess of the correct word of the day when playing the Wordle Word Game online.
#3. Do not reuse the letters that turned gray in subsequent trials. Check the bottom of the Wordle board where all letters that have turned Green, Yellow, and Gray as displayed. Do not forget that the Gray letters are not found anywhere in the word of the day, hence avoid reusing them.
#4 It is possible to have a letter repeating itself in the word of the day. This can make the game complicated. So think through this when playing the Wordle board game online.
#5 It is suggested that you try words that start with the letter S, T, R, N, and other common consonants found in many words to make the game easy to play and win.
Following the steps and tips provided, the word SHAME was successfully speled spot on after the 4th attempt. Look at it as shown below.
The first attempt was WEIRD. From that E was the only correct letter but was wrong placed.
On the Second Attempt, the word tried was CREAM. This showed E, A, and M were correct letters but were wrong placed.
The third word tried was BEAMS. This showed that letter A and M were correctly placed but E and S were not.
The fourth guess was SHAME and that was correct.

Who designed the Wordle Word Game?
Wordle was designed by software programmer Josh Wardle for his partner, a word game aficionado, and according to the BBC, it will never be cluttered with advertisements. Wardle is most known for creating Place, a completely insane collaborative art project/social experiment that threw the internet into a frenzy in April 2017.