Likely WASSCE Questions – Social Studies Questions And Asnwers

If you are a student getting ready for the WASSCE, take a look at these Likely WASSCE Questions -Social Studies Questions And Asnwers.
Social Studies Questions & Answers For WASSCE
Question 1
Discuss five effects of broken home on the development of children
Question 2
(a) Explain the term parenting.
(b) Discuss four ways in which parents show responsibility to their children.
Question 3
Discuss five factors that can promote better interpersonal relationship in the Ghanaian community.
Question 4
(a) Explain the term waste management.
(b) Discuss four effects of uncontrolled waste disposal in Ghana.
Question 5
(a) Explain the following terms.
(i) political independence,
(ii) self-reliance.
b) Examine four measures that can be taken by Ghanaian leaders to overcome the challenges of political independence.
Question 6
Suggest five roles that chiefs must play to promote unity and national integration in Ghana.
Question 7
Justify five reasons for which an individual must perform his or her responsibilities.
Likely WASSCE Questions -Social Studies Questions
Question 8
Suggest five ways in which information and communication technology can be used to promote socio-economic development in Ghana.
Question 9
Explain five measures that can be taken by the government of Ghana to improve the livelihood of the citizens.
Question 10
Analyse five benefits that workers can be derive from high productivity.
Answers to the Sample of Social Studies Questions & Answers For WASSCE Candidates
Likely WASSCE Questions – Social Studies Questions And Asnwers
Question 1
Teenage pregnancy: Broken homes is one of the major causes of teenage pregnancy. This is because teenage girls most of the time do not receive adequate parental care especially in the area of finances. They abuse the liberty they have and engage in pre-maria sex, sometimes under the influence of thei peers becoming pregnant at a very young age
Street child / child labour: Most of the street children in the urban areas are from broken homes. When there is a divorce it becomes difficult for a single parent to supervise and
control their children. These children leave home and become street beggars, hawkers, ice- water sellers and all sort of activities in order to keep up.
School dropouts: Children from broken homes sometimes drop-out from school as a result of divorce. Parents sometimes neglect their responsibilities and the children dropout from school because of financial challenges as they may not be able to pay their school fees, buy books and do not have enough money for their upkeep.
Armed robbery: The lack of proper care and control associated with broken homes result in _children being exposed to bad influence. They join bad companies and become social deviant. They engage in activities such as theft, rape and robbery.
Substance or drug abuse: Children from broken homes are void of the attention and affection from parents. In order to deal with the emotional stress they are going through, they give in to drugs like heroin, cannabis, alcohol, etc. and may even become addicts.
Willful neglect of children: Children from broken homes are often neglected or abandoned as a results of extended hatred from parents. The couples neglect their responsibilities towards their children and the needs of their children are often not met.
Question 2
Parenting is the act of raising up children to become responsible citizens in the society. It involves activities such as caring for children, training, nurturing, feeding them, providing their needs, etc. The role of parenting is played by biological parents or any other guardian
Provision of physical needs: It is the responsibilities of the parents to provide food, shelter and clothing for their children. Parents must ensure that the fundament needs of their children such as food, clothing, shelter, etc. are met.
Socialisation: The first point of contact when a child is born into this world is their parents. Parents are obliged to train their children and instil good moral values in them. They must teach their children the norms of the society and ensure that they are properly disciplined
Provision of security: It is the duty of the parents to protect their children from hostile people and ensure that they are safe. They must protect them from threat, physical or verbal assault and any kind of bad influence.
Emotional support: Parents must show care and affection to their children to ensure their children are happy and loved. This allows children to enjoy sound mind which allows them to ft into their environment and become useful members of the society. When parents show love and concern towards their children, it becomes difficult for the child to fall into the snare of bad companies.
Provision of education: Every child has the right to be formally educated. It is the responsibility of the parents to ensure that children are properly educated. Parents must see to it that school fees are paid, textbooks, etc. are provided to ensure the betterment of the future of the child.
Serve as role model: Since children are new and immature members of the society, they naturally tend to observe and copy the old and experienced. If parents live a life worthy of praise before their children, children would not have to look elsewhere for role models to emulate.
Provision of spiritual needs: The spiritual needs of children must be met as well. It is the duty of parents to remember their children in their prayers and also to teach children how to read their bible and pray everyday.
Question 3
Respect for human rights: Fundamental human rights has been enshrined in the constitution to promote peaceful coexistence and interpersonal relationship in the various communities Ghana. It is a crime to violate the rights o an individual.
Tolerance for the opinion of others: Understanding issues from the point of view of others promotes better interpersonal relationship. Our uniqueness as human beings makes this difficult but to carefully listen and relate with the situation of the other person improves interpersonal relationship in the country.
Transparency and fairness: Transparency and fairness is the bedrock of democracy. When leaders and community heads are honest and open to members of the community, the people begin to understand and cooperate. Also in the situation where people are biased and others are given preferential treatment promotes strife and must be stopped at all cost.
Practice of forgiveness and reconciliation: Human beings are prone to make mistakes. Therefore it is the duty of every Ghanaian to be forbearing and forgiving. Every Ghanaian should be able to forgive when reconciliations are being made to ensure peace and stability.
Mass participation in decision making: In order for people to cooperate and live harmoniously, they should be able to participate or have a say in the matters of the community. This will enable them to submit to the rules of the land and contribute to the progress and development of the community.
Discouraging ethnocentrism: Ethnocentrism is the feeling that one ethnic group is better or superior than the other.
This feeling or pride fuels contentions and quarrels at various levels of interpersonal relationships in Ghana. Ethnocentrism should be actively fought against to promote peace and stability in Ghana.
People fulfilling their obligations as citizens: Just as every citizen enjoys privileges assured in the constitution of Ghana, every citizen have obligations to fulfill. Some of these obligations include respecting fundamental human rights, payment of taxes, protection of state
property, etc. The fulfillment of these obligations especially payment of taxes enables the state to enforce the laws of the land assuring Ghanaians peace and harmonious living.
Question 4
Waste management refers to the proper disposal of waste created by human activities in order not to cause hazard and discomfort to people.
Increase in air pollution: The waste produced by human activities produces bad odour and smell. The odour stavs in the atmosphere and reduces the quality of air for breathing. Also fumes from industries and vehicles contributes to the depletion of the ozone layer causing global warming.
Increase in land degradation: Waste especially plastic waste that are improperly disposed mixes with the soil. Such waste takes a long time to decompose. These waste in the soil reduces the quality of the soil therefore causing land degradation. Also gullies and pits created as a result of mining activities makes it difficult for the land to support vegetation.
Increase in water pollution: Improper disposal of waste into gutters and other sewage passages ends up polluting , water bodies. These water bodies are used for domestic and industrial purpose. When it rains, pollutants are carried into the water bodies. Such activities causes the pollution of water and hence making it unsafe for human use of water and hence making it unsafe for human use.
Flooding: Uncontrolled waste disposal leads to flooding by blocking gutters and other water passages that ease the flow of water whet it rains. When it rains heavily, large volumes of water cannot move through channels that have been blocked by wastes thereby causing flooding in households and streets!
Spread of diseases: Solid and liquid waste released into the environment leads to outbreak of diseases Decomposed materials, faces, rotten substances releases pathogens which causes diseases like cholera, diarrhoea when humans come in contact with it. Waste materials like cans serve as breeding ground for mosquitoes which causes malaria.
Destruction of vegetation: Uncontrolled waste disposal causes land degradation. Soil fertility is destroyed and therefore cannot support vegetation.
Destruction of aquatic life: When poisonous chemicals such as DDT are introduced into water bodies, a lot of fishes die. Also chemicals used in mining activities can also get into contact with the water bodies destroying aquatic life.
Question 5
(i) Political independence refers to a situation where a country gains self-rule from a colonial master, thus entitling it to rule itself.
(ii) Self-reliance is the ability of a country to depend or rely mainly on her own resources for survival.
Implementation of efficient tax system: The country must raise enough money by putting things in place for an efficient tax system. Tax must be collected from all sources, from both small and large scale enterprises. Enough revenue will be generated when this is done.
Promote the use of modern technology: Modern technology should be used in the various sectors of the economy. Farmers must be encouraged to use combine harvesters, tractors, pesticides and other farming tools to increase production of raw materials. Industrial and health sector must be encouraged to use modern technology to improve the quality of life. Citizens must be encouraged to patronize made in Ghana goods Locally made goods must be patronized by citizens. Importation of foreign goods must be minimized so that local manufacturers can increase production. When this happens, people will be forced to buy the made in Ghana goods.
Development of human resources: Human resources must be developed by establishing vocational and technical institutions to train people. This education will enable them develop the skills needed for productivity and the development of Ghana.
Good and long term planning: Leaders must initiate good developmental plans that will develop the various sector of the economy. Long term plans and policies must be put in place to enable the country sustain development and economic growth.
Positive attitude towards work: Workers must develop positive attitude towards work by going to work regularly and on time, avoiding laziness and absenteeism so that work can be done on time to increase production.
Question 6
They must portray themselves as symbol pf ethnic unity: Chiefs are expected to portray lifestyles that are blameless and promote unity. They should have positive character which the people in the society can imitate or learn. from. This will promote unity and national integration. They must make bye-laws and administer justice. Chiefs together with the leaders of the community are expected to make laws upon which disputes and disagreements will be settled. These laws must be fair and just to all.
They must preserve cultural values and norms: Cultural values and norms are what bind people. Honesty, tolerance and respect for people are values that foster unity. Therefore chiefs must ensure the preservation of values and norms by portraying them.
They must settle inter-ethnic disputes and conflicts: Chiefs must ensure peace by settling disputes in a very wise way. They must find solutions to disputes between various conflicts.
Likely WASSCE Questions -Social Studies Questions
Chiefs must ensure peace by settling disputes in a very wise way. They must find solutions to disputes between various ethnic groups. They must also ensure fa, and just dispute settling irrespective of their background.
They must preside over traditional festival: Chiefs are supposed to promote and encourage their people to take part of traditional festivals. Festivals bring people together and also helps promote in development.
They must attend House of Chiefs’ meeting: These are meetings organised to bring chiefs together for the deliberation of issues of national concerns to ensure peace and stability. Such meetings can help promote national integration.
They must help implement government policies: Chiefs are to ensure implementation of policies by supporting the government. Government projects like building of schools and hospitals must be supported by the chiefs and their people in the various communities.
Likely WASSCE Questions – Social Studies Questions And Asnwers
Question 7
To maintain law and order: For the existence of peace and order, ever nation demands the corporation of her citizens. Government accumulates taxes, or levies from civilians in order to enforce law and order. These taxes are used to pay security personnel including the military and the police force. It is also important for citizens to volunteer and work hand-in-h with security personnel in investigations and fighting crime.
Continuity of statehood: The smooth functioning of the government or state depends on the citizens as well. The day-to-day administration of the state, construction of infrastructures, protection of state properties, maintenance of law and order, etc. are made possible by the taxes and corporation of civilians.
To ensure rule of law: The willingness of citizens to abide by the laid out principles entrenched in the constitution enforces the supremacy of the rule of law. The involvement of citizens in fulfilling their obligations such as payment of taxes, aiding the police in crime investigations, respect for fundamental human rights, etc. ensures the supremacy and continuity of the rule of law which promotes economic development of the nation.
To improve the standard of living of the people: The ability of citizens to respond to communal labour, pay taxes, etc. promote the socio-economic development of the country. The taxes and labour contributed by citizens helps in the building or construction of social facilities /like roads, water and power facilities, schools, hospitals, etc. This improves the quality of life of individuals and ensures developmental progress of the country.
Promotes the ability of the nation to be self-reliant: When individuals fulfill their obligations as citizens, it helps the nation to be self-reliant. A self-reliant nation is a country that does not depend on foreign countries for survival+ and development. When citizens of a country are faithful in the payment of taxes, the government will not have to borrow or depend on financial grants or loans from foreign countries to survive
Likely WASSCE Questions -Social Studies Questions
To avoid sanctions and prosecution: One way to ensure the participation and involvement of every citizen in compliance of the laws governing the nation is through sanctions and punishment. When an individual breaches any of the laws entrenched in the constitution, he is reprimanded and prosecuted in the court of law. In order to avoid punishment developmental progress of the country.
Promotes the ability of the nation to be self-reliant: When individuals fulfill their obligations a citizens, it helps the nation to be self-reliant. A self-reliant nation is a country that does. not depend on foreign countries for survival and development. When citizens of a country are faithful in the payment of taxes the government will not have to borrow or depend on financial grants or loans from foreign countries to survive.
To avoid sanctions and prosecution: One way to ensure the participation and involvement of every citizen in compliance of the laws governing the nation is through sanctions and punishment. When an individual breaches any of the laws entrenched in the constitution, he is reprimanded and prosecuted in the court of law. In order to avoid punishment and shame as a result of breaching the law, citizens do their best to fulfill their obligations
To ensure patriotism: The involvement of citizens in the affairs of the nation promotes patriotism and national pride. For instance, the involvement of talented citizens to participate in international sports confers fame and recognition to the country.
Question 8
It can be used to promote the delivery of education: Information and technology can help in the delivery of education by providing teaching and learning materials like calculators, computers and other things that aid in education. It also helps in making research to improve the knowledge of students and teachers.
Improvement in Agriculture: The agricultural sector can be improved through information and communication technology by which farmers are given more information through television and the internet. Also production of weedicides, fertilizers, tractors and combine harvesters makes farming easier and it increases the country’s production.
It can be used to enhance health: Health care can improve through ICT, x-rays, scanners and other hospital equipment.
Health officers get more information with the help of the internet and this makes their work easier. Socio-economic development speeds up when the people in a country are healthy.
It can be used to promote trade, commerce and banking: ICT has introduced online- shopping, mobile money and credit cards to facilitate virtual buying and selling in Ghana. It has made banking easy and accessible no matter the location of a person.
Provide efficient system for transportation: Through ICT there has been invention of cars, aeroplanes, ships, etc. as a means, /transport from one place to another. People can book flight and pay for transportation online. This makes transportation easier hence promoting development in Ghana.
Weather forecasting: Satellite are available due to ICT which meteorologist use to predict the weather. Information about the weather is shared on the television, phones, radio, etc. with the help of ICT. This helps in business transactions and promotes development.
It enhances communication and faster dissemination of information: People are able to communicate with one another from different places all over the world due to invention of mobile phones, computers, internet, etc. Through these communication devices and technologies, information is shared across the world which contributes to socio-economic development.
Question 9
Implementation of sound economic policies: Government must make policies that will not affect the livelihood of citizens. negatively. Policies that will favour both rich and poor. Taxes must be charged percentagewise to fit both small and large scale business. When this happens it does not affect their economic lives therefore it improves their livelihood.
Improving working conditions: Working conditions can be improved by increasing salaries and availability of necessary working tools that will make work easier. When workers are provided with what they need, it motivates them to work more and their livelihood becomes better due to the developmental progress of the country.
Provision of quality healthcare / facility: The health of Ghanaians must be of great concern to the government because unhealthy labour cannot increase productivity. Government must provide the necessary healthcare facilities and infrastructure in the various communities in the country. Promoting the increase use of modern technology Promoting technology can increase the livelihood of citizens. Technology makes work easier. Also dissemination of information is simple and easy due to the use of mobile phones, television, etc. Government can help many to get access to these gadget by providing for the needy.,
Vocational and technical training: The government must set up more vocational and technical training institutions to train more people so that they can acquire skills. These skills can 3 be used to better their lives. It will reduce the rate of unemployment and increase or improve the standard of living of Ghanaians.
Provision of affordable housing: The government can build houses for civilians at an affordable price. This will reduce accommodation problems and the stress of paying rent. Workers and those who are willing to pay can be allowed to pay within a period of time. Living in comfortable homes makes the life of citizens better.
Encouraging citizens to save: Government must ensure that workers have good payment plan with financial institutions so that they can save conveniently. Their salary should be revised regularly in order to have enough money to save. This will causes them have enough money to improve their lives.
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Likely WASSCE Questions -Social Studies Questions
Question 10
Enhanced salaries and remuneration: High productivity increases salary and remuneration of workers. The improvement in the quality of goods and services as a result of high productivity increases the profit of every business from which good salaries are given to employees.
Bonuses and allowance: When productivity increases, workers are given bonuses and allowances to motivate them to put in more effort to yield more profit. The allowances can be risk, health, etc.
Ability to save and invest: When the salary of workers are increased due to high productivity, they are able to save. They can invest the savings in personal businesses and financial institutions which will yield more.
Improved standard of living: Workers are able to afford whatever they need for better life when they get higher salary and this happens when there is high productivity. More quality goods will be available in the market at lower prices when productivity increases hence people can afford things they need.
Improved pension and end of service benefit for workers: Workers will be able to make plans for pension so as the management for these workers too due to high productivity. They will make significant contribution to pension schemes because they receive good salaries.
More job opportunity for workers: When productivity increases, the enterprise; expands due to higher demands from customers. There will be more job opportunities for workers and new workers. This will enable more people to be employed.
Better working environment: When the profit margin of a company increases due to increase in productivity, they can afford or provide modern technology needed to make work easier and conducive for workers. The company also able to create working conditions or environment that boost the workers satisfaction.
Job security of the workers: The relationship between management and workers becomes cordial and peaceful due to increase in productivity. The presence of positive work attitudes like hardwork, punctuality, loyalty, etc. makes it possible for the company to compete in the market. Workers will secured from not losing their jobs since there is no sign of their business collapsing.