NAGRAT issues one-week ultimatum to govt over unpaid pensions for 700K workers
The government has been given a harsh ultimatum by the National Association of Graduate Teachers (NAGRAT), which demands that Unpaid payments on pension contributions for over 700,000 workers be made immediately.
During a news conference on April 18, Angel Carbonu, the president of NAGRAT, charged that since July 2023, the government has not sent employee-deducted contributions for the Tier 2 pension plan and other third-party deductions.
Mr. Carbonu indicated that the mandatory salary deductions are not being sent to the appropriate institutions, expressing serious worries regarding the impact of these unfulfilled financial commitments on the workers’ future security.
This failure raises concerns about possible financial mismanagement by the government in addition to endangering the workers’ retirement income.
He emphasized the seriousness of the situation by pointing out that the last payment made to the Tier 2 pension plan was made in June 2023, underscoring the increasing discontent among labor unions.
The president expressed the anger and discontent of the labor force, highlighting their vital role and commitment to the country, which he said was being compromised by the acts of the government.
Carbonu threatened to force NAGRAT to take drastic action to defend the interests of its members if the government did not act on these concerns by the end of the next week.
This could involve taking a number of steps to guarantee compliance and address the disparities in the finances. The ultimatum functions as a last-ditch reminder to pay the debts and honor the financial obligations.
The ultimatum serves as a final notice to rectify the arrears and uphold the financial commitments made to Ghanaian workers, failing which more severe responses may be initiated by the union to seek justice.
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