Natural Remedies To Get Pink Lips

Did you know that you can get pink lips naturally without the use of chemical creams on your lips or visiting a health center? Getting Pink lips is the dream of every girl as they believe that it makes them look more attractive.
Below are some natural remedies to get pink lips.
1. A Pack of Aloe Vera and Honey
Honey and aloe vera both help keep the lips hydrated, making them soft and pink. To use both of them together, simply extract fresh aloe vera from the plant and use a blender to turn it into a gel. Mix one tablespoon of this gel with one teaspoon of honey and apply. To see desired results, leave it on your lips for around 15 minutes and then wash it with water.
2. Regular Exfoliation Is Essential
Exfoliation helps remove the dead skin cells from your lips and reveal smooth skin underneath. The best thing about exfoliation is that you don’t need to buy any expensive products. All you need is a toothbrush or a wet napkin. Simply rub either of the two across your lips gently apply a generous layer of coconut oil or an organic lip balm for soft pink lips at night.
Natural Remedies To Get Pink Lips
3. Regular Moisturising Is Advised
Want to know how to get your lips pink permanently? Always keeping them hydrated is a sure way to keep them pink. To relieve and moisturise dry lips, apply aloe vera gel straight from the plant or purchase a natural bottled aloe vera gel.
4. Vitamin E Essential Oil
Take a Vitamin E capsule and break it open. Apply it straight to your lips. It softens the lip and makes it pink. It has been shown to help with skin cell reproduction, circulation, and prevent lines and wrinkles.
5. Coconut
Whether you sip coconut water, apply coconut oil to your lips and face, enjoy the white flesh raw, or add it to your boiled vegetables or curries, it will leave your skin and lips soft and moist. Apply a thin layer of coconut oil to your lips before going to bed for the best effect.
6. Tomatoes
Tomatoes have selenium which defends our lips from sun exposure. Consume it raw as a salad, or mash it and apply it to your lips if you’ve been out in the sunlight for a long time.
7. Lemon
Drinking lime juice with lukewarm water and honey removes toxins from the body and gives your lips a healthy glow. Since it has bleaching properties, you can apply it to your lips or blend it with sugar to apply as exfoliators.
8. Green Tea
Green tea, along with its various health benefits, is beneficial to your lips too. It contains poly phenols which are antioxidants that protect the skin from premature ageing and sun damage. Green tea face packs can now be used to remove tan or discolouration. Dry, sore lips can also be treated by scrubbing a bag of green tea.
9. Yoghurt/Curd
Milk products, such as curds and yoghurt, have a protein that keeps the skin firm and prevents wrinkles formation. You can eat it with your food as dahi, blend it into a smoothie, or use it as a salad dressing. Putting yoghurt to your lips can also help you avoid discolouration.
10. Honey
Eating a tablespoon of honey and applying it to your lips at night will turn your lips pink. Honey contains antioxidants and magnesium, which help to keep the lips from discolouring.
11. Aloe Vera
Aloe vera possesses aloesin. It is a flavonoid that controls discolouration and keeps your lips pink. You can sip the juice of the aloe vera plant or use the gel as a lip moisturiser.
12. Watermelon
For its high moisture content, watermelon helps the skin stay hydrated in the summer. Watermelon is 97 % water. Therefore, it helps your entire body cells to stay hydrated and gives you moist and pink lips.
13. Berries
Eating blueberries and strawberries can provide your lips with the antioxidants and the Vitamin C it requires. You also can mix a strawberry with olive oil and honey and use it to scrub your lips. It will enable the absorption of moisture and colour into your lips.
What Causes Dark Lips
1. Pregnancy
During childbirth, some women may notice changes in their skin. This is due to fluctuating hormone levels in the body. Body parts such as the lips, forehead, nipples, cheeks, and nose may develop darkened patches of skin. However, after childbirth, these areas should return to their normal colour.
2. Sunlight Exposure
When exposed to the sun, the body produces skin pigment to absorb the ultraviolet rays. This shields the skin from some of the damage caused by sunlight. It also induces tanning of the skin. It is critical to wear protection from the sun on the lips as well as the rest of the body. Lip balms with an SPF of 30 or higher can prevent the lips from sun damage. People with normally dark lips can temporarily turn them pink with home remedies. But, hyperpigmentation may benefit from treatment options for this skin disease.
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3. Medical Treatments
Some cosmetic treatments may help people in making long-term adjustments to their lips. Laser therapy, for instance, can be used to treat melanin production. Nevertheless, the effects of these treatments may not be permanent. Inflammation, discomfort, and scarring are all potential side effects. People who want to learn more about treating melanin production can consult a dermatologist.