Stop looking for newer versions of yourself

Face the reality, stop looking for newer versions of yourself and inspire the old one in you to taste and feel great.
Do you know why people want to be like others? Do you know why they fake up new identities?
It is because they do not know how to love and accept themselves for who they are.
They try to be people they’re not, day and night they keep wasting time all in the name of “PERFECTION”.
They are trying their best all because others are living their best lives while they are living in misery.
Looking For A Newer version of yourself?
Stop looking for newer versions of yourself, you are better old being yourself and refined than being someone else.
Listen, instead of wasting your time trying to be someone else, instead of imitating them, try for once, to sit and assess yourself, ask yourself, “What am I capable of doing? What is my potential? Why was I born into this world?
What is God’s plan for me? What is my gift?
“These are the questions you should be asking yourself and finding answers to…
Quit trying to be the next somebody and start being the first you.
There’s no need to undergo surgery in other to be made into someone you’re not.
Check this out, after going through all these surgeries and your face being changed into a different person, you’ll need to learn how to walk like a girl, talk like a girl.
A lot of things you’ll need to learn just to fit in the new identity.
To be honest, it doesn’t really matter.
Do you know why? It’s because no matter how hard you try, you just cannot pretend forever. You still won’t be content. You’ll still want something new.
But compare it to being your real self.
Stop looking for newer versions of yourself, for there is nothing like that but an inspired self to reignite the self-belief locked up in you.
You never need a new makeover, you just go out there and be yourself.
Why do you want to be this other person? I don’t blame you, because it certainly is the influence of the majority.
We always have this perception that the majority is always right, but trust me majority can sometimes be wrong.
Don’t let society change you from bad to worse, make the change yourself from good to better.
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Quit looking for a newer version of yourself and be the real version of yourself, because that is what matters, that is WHO YOU ARE.
Everyone wants to be perfect, so they always see negativity in being their real self.
Don’t forget that human beings can never be perfect. It’s only God that is perfect.
Be yourself, because perfection comes by accepting who you are.
Trying to be someone else, dude, that’s a whole burden.
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Yes, this is the time to be self and be realistic. Know who you are. Improve your old version, look new inside out. Stop looking for newer versions of yourself.