NHIS Declares December As Active Membership Month

The National Health Insurance Authority (NHIA) has declared December 2022 an active month for all Ghanaians.
According to National Health Insurance Authority (NHIA), anybody who registers or will renew their health cards this month, December will enjoy an instant service.
Central Regional Director of the National Health Insurance Authority (NHIA), Mr. Fred Appiah disclosed this in an interview with the media on the sideline of a day’s brief performance review in the Region in Cape Coast.
Mr. Appiah explained that the directive means persons whose healthcare cards expired for months will be active immediately if renewed this December. Also, new persons (new registration) to the scheme will enjoy the same benefit.
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Earlier this month the NHIA introduced the MyNHIS app to enable residents in Ghana and beyond to use their Ghana cards to register online at their own convenience.
saying earlier, National Health Insurance Authority (NHIA) gives a one-month penalty to persons who didn’t renew their cards on time.
The central regional director noted that the app is a very good app adding that “we want to use this month to propagate the good news for all to make good use of the app. We are also saying that as a benefit for the month the issue of the waiting period has been waived. So if you renew your card today, irrespective of the length of aspiration, it will become active instantly, for you to use it.”
Mr. Appiah used the opportunity to outline some of the challenges his outfit is facing in the region citing co-payment as a major challenge.
He noted that as a region, their target is to achieve 50% as a minimum in terms of membership however, per analysis; they have achieved 42.88% which falls short of the targets.
Regarding the copayment, he explained that “When you go around, our members are saying that the service that is covered when they move to the facilities, they charge them, want to use this medium to tell members and providers that services that are covered, they must give to our members. They do need not to pay once it covers that. Facilities must not take advantage and be taking illegal monies from our members.”
He said this will help members have the confidence to renew their cards and also help the country achieve Universal health care by the year 2030.
As we are in the Christmas season, Mr.Appiah appealed to members to take good care of themselves by living a healthy life, and continue to exercise.
He also called on benevolent individuals and Organizations to use this season to support non-registered members to be enrolled unto the scheme and also to renew the cards of subscribers