NSS to prosecute all Ghosts on its Payroll soon

Ghana Education News Update On NSS: NSS to prosecute all Ghosts on its Payroll soon
The National Service Scheme (NSS) has disclosed its intention to go and prosecute ghosts on its payroll who continue to draw income they do not deserve.
The move it said involves collaborating with the Police to identify and prosecute thousands of ghost names found on its payroll.
According to the NSS, the introduction of the electronic payment platform has helped to block many of such persons who have withdrawn allowances monthly for years for no work done.
In an interview with JoyNews journalist Erastus Asare Donkor, the Executive Director of the Scheme, Mr. Osei Assibey Antwi, said the National Service Scheme (NSS) has already initiated the process which will facilitate the correct identifying of all suspects for prosecution.
Mr. Assibey said the illegal beneficiaries or ghost names have been a big challenge for the NSS until the introduction of the metric app which become a game-changer. The app does not only fast track the processing of deployment but also helps to track ghost names and thieves.
According to him, The National Service Scheme will not hesitate to publicize the complete list of individuals engaged in the fraud after a series of checks by the Scheme to trace all allied teams.
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While speaking to JoyNews, he said …
“Very soon, we’d come out with the figure as to the number we were able to block. So I can say for a fact that we managed to block a lot of numbers and those numbers, we’d come out with it because we’ve got the report ready.”
“We are doing a lot of work on it because there is one thing catching a thief and there is one thing tracing to where the thief is coming from, and another thing is to look whether just one individual or it’s a team. So we are doing those works and after that, we’d come out,” he assured.