NTC license can be used to teach outside Ghana -AFTRA affirms
The information made public by the NTC that the NTC license can be used to teach outside Ghana has been confirmed as accurate and valid by the African Federation of Teaching Regulatory Authorities (AFTRA).
According to the regulation, the card may be used if the person has written confirmation that all professional requirements have been met and that they are in good standing. After the Teaching Council’s registrar, Christian Addai Poku, emphasized that teachers with the card may teach outside Ghana in an interview, the NTC teacher license card was issued. The African Federation of Teachers recognizes the NTC license, as a result of Ghana’s affiliation with the body.
The latest update was made public by the NTCs Executive Secretary and representative at Teaching Regulatory Authorities, Dr Evelyn Oduro.
He disclosed that the NTC license being issued to teachers in Ghana can be sued to secure teaching jobs outside the shores of Ghana if the license has not expired. Before employing an NTC-licensed teacher outside of Ghana, the employer is required to do due diligence by getting in touch with the NTC to verify the pin on the card. This can be done by the would-be international employer by going to the NTC portal with your PIN on the card to find out the full details about the card.
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FAQs: What is the African Federation of Teaching Regulatory Authorities (AFTRA).
AFTRA, the African Federation of Teaching Regulatory Authorities, was created in October 2010 and is headquartered in Abuja, Nigeria. It is an intergovernmental organization that oversees teaching in 54 countries in Africa. AFTRA is also a part of the International Forum of Teaching Regulatory Authorities (IFTRA). AFTRA has evolved into a broad continental association that drives policy development and implementation in teaching in Africa.
The affirmation from AFTRA that NTC license issued in Ghana can be used to teach outside the country is a morale booster for professional teachers who want to explore opportunities globally.
Source: Ghana Education News