Publish Classified Education Adverts on Ghana Education News

Publish Classified Education Adverts on Ghana Education News.
Ghana Education News has introduced a new feature that allows education institutions, education-related service providers such as bookshops, publishers, etc to publish their adverts to help read many potential customers.
The adverts published are as a special discount for six months. Interested education-related service providers and sellers, as well as traders in educational materials, can contact the Adverts Officers of Ghana Education News on Whatsapp at 0270150259 to place an advert valid till June 30th.
The Classified Education Adverts on Ghana Education News’ Classified Advert section cost GHS50.00 for the promotion period November 22nd, 2021 to June 30th, 2022. Organizations need to register for GHS10.00 adding up to GHS60.00 which averages a GHS7.5 advertising fee per month. Businesses in Education related services or products can publish up to 5 classified adverts a month from November 22nd, 2021 to June 30th, 2022. Jobs or Vacancies can be posted here whiles persons looking for education-related jobs can also post here.
Check out the look and feel of the new page for your adverts at GEN ADS AND MORE
Schools at all levels can take advantage of this to build an online presence on our portal about admission, facilities, school profile, and contacts among others. For businesses that want to advertise on monthly basis during the promotion period, the cost per month is GHS20.00
Your advert can reach over 25,000 readers a day… on all platforms
What information to send.:
a. Ad title:
b. Content:
c. Contact Person/ officer:
d. Contact: Phone, email, etc:
e. Minimum of one image and a maximum of four:
f. Location:
h. Price/ cost of service if any:
Contact the Adverts Officers of Ghana Education News on Whatsapp/CALL 0270150259 to place an advert valid till June 30th.