SHS Integrated Science – Diversity of living and non-living things 2
This lesson contains SHS1 Integrated Science tips, questions, and answers on the Diversity of living and non-living things. The facts and titbits are as follows.
Diversity of living and non-living things Section 1
The chemical process through which food substances are broken down within cells of organisms with the release of energy with or without the participation of oxygen is termed as….Respiration.
The ability of an organism to respond to changes in the environment (stimulus) is termed…sensitivity.
The stimulus can either be positive (favorable) or …negative (unfavorable)
The ability of an organism to increase in size or weight due to an increase in the cytoplasm of the new cell (addition of new protoplasm is termed…growth.
The ability of living things to produce young/new ones (offsprings) of their own kind is termed…reproduction.
There are two types of reproduction, namely sexual and ….asexual
The reproduction that involves the fusion of gametes ( sex cells) during fertilization to form a zygote which develops into a new individual is termed…sexual reproduction.
The reproduction that does not involves the fusion of gametes where parts of the parent grows to become a new individual, it involves only one ….parent.
The process whereby metabolic waste substances are removed from the body of living organisms is termed…excretion.
Read: SHS 1 Integrated Science: Introduction to Science questions & answers 2
Diversity of living and non-living things Section 2
Example of animal metabolic wastes are …carbon dioxide, water, ammonia, salt
Examples of plants metabolic waste substances are… oxygen and carbon dioxide.
The process by which living things obtain and use their food is known as…nutrition.
Nutrition provides the energy that the organisms need to carry out the …life process
Plants make their own food by the process of …photosynthesis
Animals cannot make their own food and as such feed on plants and …other animals.
The variation of the diversity of life informs found in a particular area is termed…biodiversity
The process of sorting out things and putting them into groups that have common and basic characteristics is termed…classification