Update On Teacher Unions’ Negotiations With Government

The Teacher Unions’ recently had a meeting with the government to better the condition of teachers and here is an update on the negotiations at the meeting.
Update On Teacher Union’s Negotiations With Government
The Teacher Unions and the government’s negotiation has been given a deadline time because of the government’s reluctance on settling on the outlined Conditions of Service for the Teacher Unions.
After a few meetings with the government for a headway for teachers, the efforts of the Teacher Unions have proven to be vain.
The gathering on Thursday, April 2, 2024, has not brought about any positive outcome. The National Labor Commission (NLC) after the Thursday, April 2, 2024 gathering has announced June 19, 2024, as the cutoff time for the Teacher Unions and Government to complete the negotiations and come into understanding.
In addition, NLC said if, by the aforementioned date, no arrangement is made, the NLC would allude us to arbitration.
The posture of government teachers seems like encroaching on the rights of teachers with regards to negotiations of Conditions of Service that will yield a positive outcome in the education sector of Ghana.
Reports concerning the outcome of the teacher union negotiations with the government have it that the deferral is because of Deprived Area Allowance.
According to the report, the government needs to pay the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) allowance of GH¢2,000.00 consistently, regardless of the Teacher Unions proposing GH¢3,000.00
However, the government is reluctant to acknowledge and pay the Deprived Areas Allowance, expressing that other sector workers also work in deprived areas.
The reports also have it that the government needs a more extensive conversation with Trade Unions on the grounds that other sectors and services also have workers in areas that can be named deprived. Additionally, on the solicitation from teachers for the Deprived Area Allowance, the government side has made it clear to the teacher unions that they wish to have a different and more extensive conversation with Trade Unions in light of the fact that other sectors and services also have workers in areas that can be delegated deprived.
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The main pressing concerns introduced by the Teacher Unions on the table of negotiation are:
Deprived Area Allowance
CPD Allowance
Extra Duty and Assessment Allowance
Data and Online Teaching Allowance
According to the Teacher Unions, until the government focuses on their demands, better Condition of Service strikes and demonstrations will be their next action.